Saturday, June 20, 2020

洗手消毒液 Hand Sanitizer

新冠肺炎大流行后,防疫其中最重要的一项物品就是手消毒液(Hand Sanitizer /Disinfectant)。


到目前为止,最有效率,也受到世界卫生组织及其他国际疾病控制中心推荐的,就是以酒精为主的消毒液。消毒液中的酒精有两种,一种是乙醇(Ethanol),另一种是異丙醇(Isopropyl Alcohol)。

我们不需太注重消毒液里面的其他配料,如香精(味),凝胶(gel),水分( aqua, moisture)及护肤料。最重要的是注意酒精不可少过70%。

我注意到大部分商店,门口提供给顾客的都是没有注明原料的消毒液(政府没有规定必须如此,我相信他们也是购买大瓶的,然后依需要灌入小瓶,方便使用)。问题是: 大部分都是被稀调了,水份或凝胶成分过高,变得酒精成分拉低,就不会达到效果了。




With the outbreak of Covid-19, one of the most important items in epidemic prevention is hand sanitizer (Disinfectant). Besides soaring prices, there are many brands and products in the market, with different packing and prices. 

Recently I went to some stores to shop for necessities, and found that their hand sanitizers are of different qualities and specifications . Many people don't know the differences of products quality, they sprayed onto their hands thinking that they are safe and protected.

So far, the most efficient and recommended by the World Health Organization and other international centers for disease control is the alcohol-based disinfectant. There are two kinds of alcohol in the disinfectant, one is Ethanol and the other is Isopropyl Alcohol.

We need not pay too much attention to other ingredients in the disinfectant, such as flavors, gels, Aqua, and skin care materials content. The most important thing is to note that alcohol content must not be less than 70%.

I noticed that many disinfectants provided by the stores at the entrance are with no label of content. (The government does not stipulate that it must be so. I believed they also bought them in large bottles, and then re-bottled into small ones as needed for easy use). The main issue here is that most of them are diluted products, thus the effect will not be achieved.

It is impossible for us to know the exact ingredients composition in the disinfectant unless to sent for lab testing. However,  I was in the industrial chemicals business before and had a little knowledge of alcohol.

I can roughly know from the smell of alcohol to know it's purity.  The higher content of alcohol, the heavier the smell. Secondly, rubbing your hands after spraying to know the moisture content. Water must be added to alcohol in order to reduce its rate of evaporation to allow penetration and disinfection. If there is too much water, the water on your hands will take longer time to dry. Indeed, there are so many unscrupulous merchants on the market providing diluted alcohol disinfectant.

Therefore, in addition to using disinfectant provided by the stores, we also need to bring our own disinfectant or sanitizer. If we are not confident about the disinfectant provided, we can use own ones one to disinfect more time. Of course, the best way of disinfection is to use soap and water to wash hands.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Days without church Masses 没有教堂弥撒的日子



很多虔诚的教友已经觉得“很迷失”,“很不舒服”,“很缺乏”,“很空虚” 等等。







MCO has enrtered its 81st day.

Almost 3 months we do not have Mass in the church, and it is expected to continue further.

Many fervent Catholics are feeling "very lost", " very uncomfortable", "very deprive", "very empty" and so on.

About 50 years ago, many faithfuls staying in remote areas and towns, had to take a tedious journey to the nearest churches to attend Chritmas or Easter Masses once a year only. However, it did not weaken their faith, but instead made it stronger.

Today, there are still many faithful in rural areas, can see priests come to celebrate Masses with them once in a few months only. I believed, the situation in interior of East Malaysia is worse.

We the city folks are very much fortunate to have access to high speed internet and communication facilities and equipment. Attending online Masses is just a click of a finger. but is a great challenge to rural folks because of their slow speed internet.

So count our blessings, make full use of the modern IT technologies and equipment, to attend more online Masses, listen to more sermons or preaching of different priests, to upgrade and update our faith and knowledge.

Praise be to God !

Thursday, June 4, 2020

哈喽,好久没博! Hello!long time no blog .



第一,那是因为懒惰;第二,因为脸书(Facebook) 也可以上传及分享讯息。

最近大家最热门及熟悉的课题当然是 #新冠肺炎了!






新冠肺炎把全世界人们的生活习惯完全给颠覆了,所有现在的生活、工作、旅行、社交方式,已经出现了一个新常态(New Normal)。清明节,华人都不能到墓园敬拜先人,庙宇关闭;穆斯林不能去教堂祈祷,基督徒也是一样。教堂关上门,弥撒祈祷都在网上进行。这是从来没有做过的事,也没有想到可能的事。


我每周星期三也参加台湾加尔默罗修会的陈新伟神父主讲的“圣十字若望 - 灵魂的黑夜”读书会。这也是新常态之一。

今年因新冠肺炎,我们取消了两项旅游行程 - 四月去印尼Flores 岛过圣周及复活节,八月去苏格兰探访小女儿。2020年六月在亚庇举行的马新汶圣母军交流会,也因为疫情而改到明年2021举行。


