Friday, August 22, 2008

PM took a train 首相乘火车

It was splashed across major newspapers a picture of our Prime Minister taking a KTM commuter train. He took the train yesterday at 8:15 am from Serdang station to the Sentral then changed to LRT to Masjid Jamek. He was not pleased with the ride. He was not satisfied and wanted immediate improvements to be made.

He said the existing services were not systematic, there were not enough coaches and coverage was not comprehensive, leaving many areas not serviced. (The lamentations of people since day one of the commencement of services many years ago were not heard by him ?! *x%?#)

He saw people jostling to get on board every time a train arrived. There appeared to be no system. He noted the train was overcrowded.

Anyway, he has set a good example for other government officials by "turun padang" (going down to the field) to see the plight and hardship of people. Luckily the KTM train did not breakdown as it was the common occurrence to many passengers.

Can changes come? God knows. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad took a train ride a few months ago and expressed the same sentiments. Nothing happened till today. Are they just doing publicity stance? (headline news?)

I hoped more officials can move their fat asses out out their fat office chairs more often, to see for themselves the plight of ordinary citizens.


他说这系统涵盖地区不够广泛,许多地区没得到这项服务的连接,而且投入服务的车厢也不足够。整个马来亚铁道局的电动火车和轻快铁的系统非常的差劲。(打从这系统投入服务的第一天,人民已经怨声载道,难道他没有听到过吗!??? 真的是 #%*#%  )



从今后,这服务会不会有改善?天知道吧!数月前,国内商务及消费部长沙里尔也曾乘火车上班,也是发出同样的评语,但到今天,没看到任何改变。这是不是都是公关的伎俩? (头条新闻??)


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