Friday, September 19, 2008

世态炎凉 moral society?




在7個月大患上小兒麻痺症,從此須以輪椅代步;初中後輟學,蕭麗娟的豆蔻年華沒有常人的燦爛。但她憑著堅強的毅力,朝運動領域發展,如今終於迎來喜悅的春天。(星洲日报,人间有情 17/9/08)

翻开今天的星洲日报,小小的一栏 (最下图),看到首相阿都拉亲自到机场欢迎我国参加北京残奥参加者回国,心理非常的感谢,阿都拉确是个好人。 但这情景和李宗伟在奥运夺得羽毛球银牌后,回国时受到的欢迎程度,真是有天渊之别。李宗伟回国时,欢迎的人潮汹涌,媒体大事报导,州和联邦政府都来抢人,以各自的利益为利益。李宗伟还受封拿督勋衔呢!



Do you know who is SIOW LEE CHAN?

Don't know? I don't know also. Let us get to know her then.

Siow Lee Chan is the sole Malaysian medal winner at the just concluded Beijing Paralympic Games after winning a bronze in the women's under 56Kg category with a lift of 95 kg. It ended our country 16-year medal drought in Paralympic Games. Lee Chan is from Titi, Negri Sembilan. She is a Polio victim at seven months old.

The national paralympic contingent arrived at the KLIA here last night after competing in the 13th Paralympic Games in Beijing. It was heart warming to see our PM Abdullah on hand to welcome them.

It was a big different from the welcome given to Olympic Badminton Silver medalist Lee Chong Wei's homecoming not long ago at the same airport. The State and Federal officials came charging to grab him with vested self interest.

Big crowd with camera lights flashing and was widely reported by the media. Lee Chong Wei received a Datukship later.

The homecoming of the Paralympic contingent was not reported in many main-stream newspapers. A small picture can be found in SinChew Daily news only (bottom).

If Malaysia is moving towards a moral developed society in 2020, this incident doesn't show that we are on the right track.

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