Saturday, September 12, 2009

The gift 物轻情意重

I received a box of moon cake and a pomelo from my god-daughter Irene in Johor Baru. The 300 kms delivery was made possible through her boy friend, Loong from Singapore, who was traveling back to his home town in Kerling, Perak.

It is so heart warming.

收到了新山乾女儿爱玲的一盒月饼及柚子。这个三百公里的递送,是由他在新加坡工作的男朋友飞龙,在回霹雳州科霖的家乡,冒雨 、塞车情况下完成的。


I have added Google search (top right corner) . Just type a key word to search for old postings, events, people or item. E.g type "irene" or Chinese "爱玲", previous 2 postings on her would appear.

我在右上角加上了谷歌搜查。只要打上华文/英文关键字,就可以搜查到旧帖子,事件,人物等。例如打上 “爱玲” 或 " irene " ,就可以搜查到以前关于爱玲的帖子了。


Adeline said...

Dad, luckily I read your blog post. Forgot about the mooncake mom sent and since I was hungry, I've finished it :) hehehe..

Simon Kajang said...

hoho... it's time you children buy us moon cake....liao!