Sunday, April 25, 2010

Silent Retreat 静默退省






From Friday to Sunday, I was down in Melaka to attend our annual Retreat at the Good Shepherd Seminay (above pic). 13 members and associates from 3 organisations – Guang Ren Service Center (Cahaya Puri Holdings Sdn Bhd), Mustard Seed Evangelisation Center and Costantini Research Center attended this silent Retreat.

『Let down, Let out, Let flat, let off, let go』

With these words from Retreat director Rev. Fr. Lawrence Ng, we started our Retreat on Friday night. For the next 36 hours, participants would observe rule of no talking and complete silence, creating a conducive environment to listen and dialogue with God, in peace and harmony.

Annual retreat help us to review, repair and deepen our relationship with God, in so doing, would enhance our communion and harmony in personal relationship with fellow brothers and sisters, and the community.

Every one is encouraged to attend a retreat ( 1day, 2 days or 3 days) as least once a year.

在静默退省中,有许多时间做祈祷,各种方式的祈祷。我用了半个小时,筑成了1/3个篮球场大的玫瑰念珠,我称之为 “玫瑰之路”。用步行的方式,每天都念了20 端的玫瑰经。

In silent retreat, you have plenty of time for prayer...any style or way of prayer. I spent half an hour to make this rosary almost 1/3 of the basketball court. I called it " Way of the Rosary". By walking, recited 20 decades of Rosary each day.


老楞佐 said...




Simon Kajang said...
