Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sixth Aussi day 澳洲的第六天

Our road trip in New Zealand covered a distance of 2620 km.

We were backed to the warmer Sydney at about 7:30 am local time yesterday (Tuesday). It was warm (23 degree) and clear blue sky.

It was our sixth day in Australia.

We have our favourite Beef Soup Mee and bought some stuff at the supermarket. More Mangoes and cheery.

In the evening, Nam's parents invited us for dinner at a club - Dooley's Catholic Club, a huge building with multi level parking facilities.

Don't expect smiling Wardens like in the church to welcome you. A fierce dog ... a big fierce dog... oopss...actually a huge human being behaving like a dog because he was supposed to guard the entrance to the club by checking on the membership cards.

Actually, it was a Jaga (security guard we called back home) manning the entrance. Sometimes Jaga demand attention and respect ... by showing their authority ... authority to guard. Once in while, an overzealous guard thought of himself a guard DOG and behaved exactly like a DOG! It's (not his) attitude was really &%$#@**!

After passing through the guard dog, Tony and I were seriously considering whether to remove our association with the word CATHOLIC.

Our resolve strengthened after entering the building.

I saw big crowd coming to the club .... 2 different types of crowd at the club. They were not coming to the club for formations, Bible studies, praise and worship .... nothing to do with religion.

I saw big crowd at the restaurant. It served good food with reasonable prices. Customers queuing up to order food.

I saw big crowd at the Casino. There must be more than 200 slot machines of many kinds ..... people putting coins and waiting for the God of Luck to answer their hearts' desire. I was told this Casino generates millions of dollars for the club ...The Catholic Club.

Any way, the dinner with Nam's parents, Li and Pan, was wonderful. The place was nice and comfortable and the food was great.

After dinner, we went back home to have tea.

Bryan has made and sent in the afternoon a Cheese Cake for us to celebrate our upcoming 34th wedding anniversary. He was not with us because of his classes.


昨天, 23/11/2010, 回到了悉尼。这里比纽西兰热的多。我们在悉尼时间早上七点半回到,天气很热(23度),蓝天一片。这里的太阳真的是刺眼,炙热。



在傍晚,Nam 的父母要求我们到一家俱乐部用晚餐 - 杜丽天主教俱乐部。这是一间非常大的建筑物,设有多层停车场。

请别想好像教堂那样有人热情的欢迎或招呼你们(天主教吗!)。一只狗,一只很凶的狗在门口等着你。。其实,是一个凶猛的看门狗在(或者是一只像狗的人) 在检查每个进入俱乐部大门的会员卡。

那是一位保安人员(我们马来西亚称为Jaga) 在站岗检查每一位要进入这个俱乐部的人,看看他们是否有会员卡。但他的态度实在是令人厌恶。

进入了这个门口之后,我和东尼正在严肃的考虑我们是否要把Catholic 这个字从我们的宗教里删除掉。



我看到第一种 - 他们都挤在餐馆里。这里有一间很大的餐馆,也就是我们要用餐的餐馆。许多人在排队点食物。




今天下午,我的代儿子Bryan 特制了一个芝士蛋糕,送了过来,以欢庆祝即将到来的结婚34周年。

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