Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taipei 2011 台北 (4)

Today is a long day and an eating day!

My wife and I got up early and went out to explore the local market right in front of the hotel. Many stalls selling fresh vegetables and fruits, meats and seafood.... We had breakfast at a mee stall.

For lunch we have the famous xiao long bao at Din Tai Fung Restaurant. I heard people are willing to join the long queue for for the xiao long bao.

After lunch we headed towards Yehliu to see the famous geological formation - the Queen's head. It was raining intermittently throughout the day and the place was filled with Mainland Chinese tourist, who were unruly, noisy and dirty..spitting idiots, jumping queue and .... we better ran for our life!!

The next destination is Jiufen, an old gold mining town. En-route we stopped by a very unique sanitary wares company that welcomes many tourists come in buses daily.

The company E-Tai Enterprise Co Ltd - is owned by the younger brothers of Taipei Archbishop Most Rev. John Hung.

The old town of Jiufen is a great tourist attraction with many stalls selling all types of foods and wares.

It was almost dark at 5:00pm. We headed towards the famous Keelung Temple night market and enjoyed many local hawker food and drink.

We returned to Archbishop's office in Taipei at about 8:30 pm. To my surprise, I met two Taipei legionaries who were attending a meeting there.

Such a long day ... and a day of eating and eating and eating..!! See Facebook pictures to know




吃过了午餐,我们前往基隆的野柳观看著名的女皇头像。 雨断断续续的下了整天。当时有好多大陆来的游客,吵吵闹闹,不守秩序及规则,插队争吵。。。还是避而远之为妙!

我们下一站是九份,一个旧时的採金矿之地。不过,之前我们顺到基隆参观了一家规模非常大及特别的浴室器材(卫浴)公司。这家公司 - 毅太企业股份有限公司,是台北洪山川总主教的弟弟们所拥有的,每天都迎接很多的游客前来参观。



在晚上八时半,我们回到了总主教公署,在那儿,我惊奇的遇见了台北圣母军谢素谨,我们尊敬的酒徒会会长,及吴美满姐妹。请看Facebook 更多照片的故事。


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