Sunday, February 3, 2013

Malaysia Real News 马来西亚真新闻

Traitor 卖国贼 ?!?!
Kairos: So Mahathir acknowledges that issuing the ICs is wrong. Instead of owning up to his sins and the injustice done to the nation, he puts the blame on his then deputy, Anwar. This is called passing the buck.

It is also called high treason. He has lost all respect befitting an ex-leader. He is being cursed day and night by Malaysians of all races. I wonder how he can sleep peacefully every night. (A reader of Malaysiakini)

当今大马读者Kairos: 最终马哈迪承认发出登记证是错的。以其承认是自己的罪尤及对国家的伤害,他把责任推到他当时的副手安华身上。这就是推卸责任。


* Mahathir is former Prime Minister  马哈迪是前任首相

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