Saturday, April 6, 2013

美丽台湾处处情 (6) LAL Taiwan

台中 - 台北 



他现在积极的参与堂区慕道班工作,非常努力的投入及推动福传服务。我跟随他来到所属的堂区 复兴路无原罪圣母堂,见到了正要带领圣母军团员出外拜访的副本堂刘安道神父。





在回台中途中,我们也到员林的圣体天主堂参观,遇见了来自马来西亚吉打州的王友良神父。谈起了,才知道王神父是潮州人,与我的太太同乡。他乡遇同乡,说起潮州话,格外的亲切。王神父在台湾约有20 年了,是位台中教区神父,目前担任北斗圣神堂主任神父。


隔天早上,三月十五日,星期五,伟强带我们吃了台中道地的早餐 - 水煮包,咸豆浆等美食,然后怀着依依不舍的心,与他们告别。




Taichung - Taipei 

We have one extra day in Taichung (14-3-2013), so Shou Kuan and his wife, together with Jing Zi, brought us to LuKang, a former port city which was famed for its cultural heritage.

Shou Kuan was the organising chairman of 2004 Taichung Legion Fellowship. He is currently very active in RCIA (adult cathechism course) and other works of evangelisation.

He introduced us to the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Jesus John and his assistant Rev. Fr. Leo Anthony at the Church of Immaculate Conception. Both priests are from India belonging to the Congregation of the Society of Catholic Apostolate headquartered in Rome. It was founded by St. Vincent Pallotti in 1835.

They were sent by their Order to Taiwan, a country entirely different from their own in many ways - culture, tradition, food and way of life. They have to start life in Taiwan anew.

Today, they are fluent in Mandarin and taking care of a parish in Taichung Diocese.

When I arrived, I met Fr. Leo Anthony, who was about to leave with Legionaries to do visitation of homes.

My great admiration and respect to these two foreign priests of their courageous missionary spirit.

In Lukang, We visited many historical buildings, temples and the colourful old town.

On the way back to Taichung in the late afternoon, we stopped by the Church of the Holy Eucharist in Yuan Lin town, about 90 kms from Taichung.

We met Fr. John Heng from state of Kedah, Malaysia. He came from his hometown to Taichung Diocese about 20 years ago for his priestly formation and ordained as a Diocesan priest. He is now the parish priest of The Church of the Holy Spirit in Beidou, about 12 kms from Yuanlin.

We have tea and were happy to converse in Teochew, the dialect of my wife and Fr. John. 

After a long day, we were treated to a home-cooked dinner at Wei Qiang's house. Li Fang spent time to cook many delicious dishes for us. It was a happy and warm gathering.

The next morning, Wei Qiang brought us for local breakfast.

After breakfast, we bid farewell to Taichung and our gracious and generous hosts. We left for Taipei by bus with a heavy heart.

It was an unforgettable trip in Taichung.

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