Thursday, August 22, 2013

A case of Allah or not Allah 阿拉或不可阿拉的案件

My wife and I went to the Palace of Justice (Federal Court House) to lend support to our Catholic church.

Archbishop Murphy Pakiam is applying for the appellate court to set aside the government’s appeal against the High Court decision in 2009 which allowed the use of ‘Allah’ the Malay bibles.

Majority of Catholics in Malaysia are Bahasa Malaysia speaking and using Malay Bible which uses the word 'Allah' in place of God as in English.

Three quarter of Catholics are living in East Malaysia and has been using the word Allah for more than 400 years.

Sad to notice that many non-Malay speaking Catholics are not aware or interested in the Allah issue, either due to ignorance or indifference. Some even commented that the Catholic church should not bring this to the court.

It was quite crowded at the first floor of the court house which house the Court of Appea Room 2. The limited space of the court room resulted many being kept waiting outside.

About 10 priests were present in the court to lend their support, with Fr. Lawrence and Fr. Paulino being inside the court chamber. 

Many Muslim groups and NGOs were present outside the court house, reciting prayers and shouting slogans.

The court was called into session at about 9:30 am, taking a break for lunch, and delivered its judgement at about 4:00 pm.

The 3 members panel dismissed the application by the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur to strike out Govt's appeal over High Court ruling allowing Herald to use word Allah. The case will go for hearing of the appeal proper on September 10, 2013. 

Let us continue to pray for our country and our church. 

(More pictures on Facebook)


天主教会的巴吉安总主教,向法庭申请撤销政府对2009年,法庭宣判非穆斯林教徒可以使用“Allah” 字眼的判决,提出上诉。

在马来西亚,大部分的天主教及基督教徒,都是使用马来西亚语朝拜及赞赏;而他们所使用的国语圣经,就是使用“Allah" 来称呼天主或上主。

四分三的天主教徒来自东马, 他们使用Allah 一词已经有四百多年的历史了。 令人伤心的是,有许多非马来语的教徒,对Allah 这个课题缺乏认识及认同,这是因为他们的无知或漠不关心所致。




审讯在早上9:30 开始,至下午一点左右午休,然后在三点继续,到了四点左右,就有了判决。

有三位法官组成的听审团一致裁决,巴吉安总主教申请撤销案败诉,政府可以上诉。此案将在10/9/2013 听审。


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