Saturday, November 9, 2013

All in the family 都是一家人

This morning, 10 Taichi group members visited Mary, who suffered fractured Tibia and bruises on an accident about 2 weeks ago.

Taichi group membership consists of 15 % parishioners of the Holy Family church and 85 % non-Christians (mostly Buddhists). However, mutual respect and cooperation see us through the past 26 years since its formation in 1987.

Mary is a Catholic who joined us about a year ago.

She is recovering well.

Mary,in short 穿短裤者为玛利亚





1 comment:

jenny said...

我们夫妇是在ALL SOULS DAY才被告知大姐MARY遇上意外。上个主日,我们夫妇等孩子们进行初领圣体圣事,茶点和圣经问答比赛完毕后,才匆匆赶去探望她。愿主降福她。。。。