Sunday, January 8, 2017

无语问苍天 In silence, I asked


“ 目前他还要定期回院检查,也祈求癌细胞没有扩散。他现在的愿望是医生能够尽快的给他做上假牙,以便能够好好吃喝。他的味觉在电疗过后,完全损坏了,希望经过一段日子,能够逐渐恢复,让他生活的有点乐趣。”

这是患上下颚癌的赖玉宏兄弟(Simon Lai), 在我去探访他时的心愿。

十二月十日,他到回吉隆坡中央医院复诊,并看看接受了33次电疗之后的 全身CT Scan 扫描报告。




2016年最后的一天,我再次的在国家癌症中心(IKN ) 见到了Simon Lai。他在圣诞节过后就进来这里,接受五次的电疗。脊椎骨已经给他麻烦,感觉到很疼痛,医生加重止痛药以舒缓他的痛苦。






 On my blog posting Cancer Fighter on November 28, I wrote:

" His only wish right now is to have denture fixed as soon as possible to allow him eating and drinking more "tastefully", and pray that cancer cells do not spread to other parts of the body."

This was the wishes of Simon Lai when I visited him then. 

On December 10, he returned to Kuala Lumpur Oncology Department for a follow up visit and find out his CT Scan result after his 33 times radiotherapy at the National Cancer Institute (IKN) 

During my visit on November, he mentioned that hopefully everything is all right after the lengthy treatment, and prayed that cancer cells did not spread. what he wants is a peaceful and quiet life after the ordeal.

Things are not good.

The CT Scan showed that cancer cells were found in the tail end section of his spinal cord.  

On the last day of 2016, I met him again at the IKN in Putrajaya. He was admitted into hospital after Christmas for 5 sessions of Radiotherapy on the affected spinal cord.

The spinal cord already giving him pain and discomfort. Doctor has given him strong pain killer to lessen his suffering.

He was able to move about and complained none. He told me that the doctor said the treatment process would be long and difficult. 

I did not know what to said, how to console him ....

He was discharged on Jan 5 after the last session of Radiotherapy.

I knew Simon Lai for more than 30 years. He worked in a printing company in Kajang for decades. He is a kind man, helpful and caring. He speaks no ills of others.

Why do good people suffer .... I asked my God, in silence....Why? 😢😢😢😢😢😢

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