Thursday, April 30, 2009
Facebook without a face 没脸
Facebook is for you to show your face, and to see others' faces too.
It is a social networking website... for socialising. Anti social and anti face are not supposed to join.
I noticed many people joined the Facebook but shy to show their faces... no pictures, or half covered pictures..
What is the point of joining Facebook !
Facebook (中国大陆翻译成“非死不可”), 是让你可以显示你的样貌,同时也看到其他人的面貌。
那参加Facebook 是为了什么?
Economy winter 金融的冬天
An email came this morning from a Japanese car-manufacturing customer.
It stated in the opening to thank everyone for a historic record car sales last year, immediately followed by " the outlook of this year is not as bright...".
The company is requesting immediately for 20% - 30% reduction in prices from all suppliers.
A Kondankai (chit chat) would be arranged to explain the Gentan-i (basic price) on other potential areas for further cost improvement (more cut?).
May be I have to tell this customer: Sayonara.... gojiyuu ni otori kudasai (please help yourself) !
这公司要求所有的供应商马上把供应的产品价钱调低 20 - 30 %。
It stated in the opening to thank everyone for a historic record car sales last year, immediately followed by " the outlook of this year is not as bright...".
The company is requesting immediately for 20% - 30% reduction in prices from all suppliers.
A Kondankai (chit chat) would be arranged to explain the Gentan-i (basic price) on other potential areas for further cost improvement (more cut?).
May be I have to tell this customer: Sayonara.... gojiyuu ni otori kudasai (please help yourself) !
这公司要求所有的供应商马上把供应的产品价钱调低 20 - 30 %。
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A priest is sick 神父病了
Fr. William mentioned about the ill health of Fr. Anthony Chan during Easter vigil.
I went to see him this afternoon. He just returned from hospital after radiotherapy.
About six years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Operation was done to remove the cancerous growth. Doctor did not recommend any further treatment such as radio- or chemotherapy due to his advance age. He lived happily after the operation.
Four months ago, he was coughing badly. A check up revealed the cancerous cells has spread to his upper torso, especially neck and lungs. Lately he was in pain and the doctor recommended radiotherapy on his neck.
He has to undergo a course of 20 treatment to shrink a growth in his neck. Today is the 9th treatment.
He looked tired and subdue but managed to smile and said a few words. He is not eating well due to the treatment and lost 10 kg since the radiotherapy. He did not complain of any pain but need suction to clear his phlegm.
He is well looked after by Mrs Lee (72), a Kelang parishioner. She is there during day time taking care of his needs.
Before I left, I held a hand of Fr. Chan and said that he has been taking care of God's people all his life, it is time for God to take care of him. He smiled and nodding his head.
这个疗程共有20 次,是要电缩颈部的肿瘤。今天是第九次了。
The epic journey 漫长的旅途 (2)
On my March 20 2009 posting "The epic journey" about 2 boxes sent to Elizabeth in UK, it took almost five months to arrived.
I requested Elizabeth to provide me with the pictures of the 2 boxes, the pictures reached me more than a month later... why every thing so slow?!?
Following are pictures of the two boxes ... and its contents :D
在三月二十日的 漫长的路途 帖子里,是关于我们寄去给英国小女的两箱物件,约在五个月后才抵达。
Arrived at Scotland
I requested Elizabeth to provide me with the pictures of the 2 boxes, the pictures reached me more than a month later... why every thing so slow?!?
Following are pictures of the two boxes ... and its contents :D
在三月二十日的 漫长的路途 帖子里,是关于我们寄去给英国小女的两箱物件,约在五个月后才抵达。
Arrived at Scotland
Rice cooker made Bak Ku Teh
(all from the boxes)
(all from the boxes)
Monday, April 27, 2009
I can only pray 我只能祈祷
It is midnight. I am thinking of the young girl (33 years old) in Tung Shin hospital who is undergoing cancer treatment. I visited her this afternoon.
I am thinking also of her mother by her bed side 24 hours a day.
They are from outstation. The girl is at the fourth stage of cancer, and has already spread to bones and spinal cord. She is under radiotherapy - today is the fifth day of the ten days treatment. Her face is puffy.
She is too painful to move or get up from bed. Fluids accumulated in her lungs, so drainage tube is inserted through her back to drain out the water. Not a good sign.
But she is courageous, optimistic. She maintains smiling face always. She hopes to get better after the radiotherapy.... can walk at least. But doctor may recommend chemotherapy immediately after this radiotherapy. Is she able to withstand such drastic treatment?
I am thinking of the mother too. What is in her mind? how is her feeling? Looking at her own flesh and blood in pain and in suffering, bed-ridden?
Being a father myself, I feel for them, it is piercing pain in my heart.
I have seen enough of cases to know the outcome of the treatment ... more is not necessary good. But what can I do to help?!?
I think of our heavenly Mother...five decades of Roasay may make me feeling better......
Mother Mary, pray with me, for the young girl and her mother... do something, anything .......
Merciful Father, may you hear our prayer, grant her peace, hope and strong faith.
她们是 外地人。那个女孩已是第四期的癌症,癌细胞也已散布到全身及脊骨。她目前正在接受电疗,今天是十天疗程的第五天了,看起来,她还好,只是脸已经有点浮肿了。
I am thinking also of her mother by her bed side 24 hours a day.
They are from outstation. The girl is at the fourth stage of cancer, and has already spread to bones and spinal cord. She is under radiotherapy - today is the fifth day of the ten days treatment. Her face is puffy.
She is too painful to move or get up from bed. Fluids accumulated in her lungs, so drainage tube is inserted through her back to drain out the water. Not a good sign.
But she is courageous, optimistic. She maintains smiling face always. She hopes to get better after the radiotherapy.... can walk at least. But doctor may recommend chemotherapy immediately after this radiotherapy. Is she able to withstand such drastic treatment?
I am thinking of the mother too. What is in her mind? how is her feeling? Looking at her own flesh and blood in pain and in suffering, bed-ridden?
Being a father myself, I feel for them, it is piercing pain in my heart.
I have seen enough of cases to know the outcome of the treatment ... more is not necessary good. But what can I do to help?!?
I think of our heavenly Mother...five decades of Roasay may make me feeling better......
Mother Mary, pray with me, for the young girl and her mother... do something, anything .......
Merciful Father, may you hear our prayer, grant her peace, hope and strong faith.
她们是 外地人。那个女孩已是第四期的癌症,癌细胞也已散布到全身及脊骨。她目前正在接受电疗,今天是十天疗程的第五天了,看起来,她还好,只是脸已经有点浮肿了。
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Easter musical 复活音乐剧
Saturday, April 25, 2009
仁爱 、宽恕
一个是该打, 一个是罪有应得。
被打的人还是心有不甘。我被你挥拳一袭,鼻子流血,成了永远的“歪鼻”(YB), 还需要被人抬上救护车,住院两天,身心都受折磨,真没脸。不惑之年,还给一个血气方刚的年轻人袭击,真是遗憾终生。不怪的对方数度要求道歉,被打的一方都不回应。现在对方只被判监禁两天,实在是有点不忿气。(这是给你们的警惕,嘿嘿。。以后别乱来!)
打人者,大好青年,血气方刚,嫉恶如仇。听到了有不义之事,马上义愤填胸,一时失控,不管三七二十一,给个怒拳这老家伙尝尝。过后才知道事态的严重,要向对方抱歉,但却不受理。现在被判监禁两天及罚款六千,得多谢法官网开一面,以情 、以理,以教,来满全法律精神,从轻发落。不怪的新纪元学院新任院长潘永忠激动的说:“啊!我太高兴了!”。但对一个幼嫩的青年来说,已是一个重创及教训了。
一件震动华社 、华教的事件,表面上是落幕了。至少叶新田膝前的乖乖副手第一个发言就是这样说的(我已意料到他会为主人第一个发言的人)。他说希望这判决给所有的人一个警惕,我的主人已经知道这个判决了。
在这事件中,华教 、 华社有学到什么吗?有什么启示吗?有什么警惕?
没有!整个事件证明了都是为私利,为名利,为权利的斗争。这些受人尊敬的长者 、领袖 、学者 、道德护卫者,除了没有以身作则外,也没去自我反省,到底事件到这个地步,是如何造成的。整个事件过程中,没有“共识”,“礼待”,“让步”,“协商”,“牺牲”,“仁”,“义” 等美德出现的丝毫迹象。
我想,华社 、华教错过了一个表扬华人数千年的文化 、道德 、传统美德的机会。领袖也没活出我言我信,我做我言。这一拳是白打,白受;这两天的监牢是白坐,六千罚金是白给的。
我翻开【董教总】出版,张子深编著的『孔子智慧』,第一面的就是“一颗善心”。颜回说:别人对我好,我也对他好。别人对我不好,我仍然对他好。再往下看,【论语】评选,名列头条的是“一个恕字”。子贡问孔丘:“有一个字可以终身奉行的吗?” 孔子答:“恕也,己所不欲,勿施于人”。在书的结尾,还讲了好多孔子的“仁”是什么。董总诸公,是否有去翻阅?
我们常说,不要如小孩子般的见识。作为华教的领袖,学者,长者,必有宽阔的胸怀,诗书修养内涵。有些事情不能只靠文告 、法律来解决。博士田不是泛泛之辈,不是米田共的田,而是新纪元学院的田,是华教的垦田。你不是潘西满,一介莽夫;你不是三米又维鲁,不认识华人的礼仪廉耻,你是长者,众人的榜样,特别是淳淳学子都要向你看齐。如此的长相,难怪会犯众怒。你在名利斗争中,忘记了华人的美德,你应该走下楼,到董总出版社翻翻华人儒教的书籍,别忘了你是出版人叻!
“度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”。 发文告不能解决事情的。
被打的人还是心有不甘。我被你挥拳一袭,鼻子流血,成了永远的“歪鼻”(YB), 还需要被人抬上救护车,住院两天,身心都受折磨,真没脸。不惑之年,还给一个血气方刚的年轻人袭击,真是遗憾终生。不怪的对方数度要求道歉,被打的一方都不回应。现在对方只被判监禁两天,实在是有点不忿气。(这是给你们的警惕,嘿嘿。。以后别乱来!)
打人者,大好青年,血气方刚,嫉恶如仇。听到了有不义之事,马上义愤填胸,一时失控,不管三七二十一,给个怒拳这老家伙尝尝。过后才知道事态的严重,要向对方抱歉,但却不受理。现在被判监禁两天及罚款六千,得多谢法官网开一面,以情 、以理,以教,来满全法律精神,从轻发落。不怪的新纪元学院新任院长潘永忠激动的说:“啊!我太高兴了!”。但对一个幼嫩的青年来说,已是一个重创及教训了。
一件震动华社 、华教的事件,表面上是落幕了。至少叶新田膝前的乖乖副手第一个发言就是这样说的(我已意料到他会为主人第一个发言的人)。他说希望这判决给所有的人一个警惕,我的主人已经知道这个判决了。
在这事件中,华教 、 华社有学到什么吗?有什么启示吗?有什么警惕?
没有!整个事件证明了都是为私利,为名利,为权利的斗争。这些受人尊敬的长者 、领袖 、学者 、道德护卫者,除了没有以身作则外,也没去自我反省,到底事件到这个地步,是如何造成的。整个事件过程中,没有“共识”,“礼待”,“让步”,“协商”,“牺牲”,“仁”,“义” 等美德出现的丝毫迹象。
我想,华社 、华教错过了一个表扬华人数千年的文化 、道德 、传统美德的机会。领袖也没活出我言我信,我做我言。这一拳是白打,白受;这两天的监牢是白坐,六千罚金是白给的。
我翻开【董教总】出版,张子深编著的『孔子智慧』,第一面的就是“一颗善心”。颜回说:别人对我好,我也对他好。别人对我不好,我仍然对他好。再往下看,【论语】评选,名列头条的是“一个恕字”。子贡问孔丘:“有一个字可以终身奉行的吗?” 孔子答:“恕也,己所不欲,勿施于人”。在书的结尾,还讲了好多孔子的“仁”是什么。董总诸公,是否有去翻阅?
我们常说,不要如小孩子般的见识。作为华教的领袖,学者,长者,必有宽阔的胸怀,诗书修养内涵。有些事情不能只靠文告 、法律来解决。博士田不是泛泛之辈,不是米田共的田,而是新纪元学院的田,是华教的垦田。你不是潘西满,一介莽夫;你不是三米又维鲁,不认识华人的礼仪廉耻,你是长者,众人的榜样,特别是淳淳学子都要向你看齐。如此的长相,难怪会犯众怒。你在名利斗争中,忘记了华人的美德,你应该走下楼,到董总出版社翻翻华人儒教的书籍,别忘了你是出版人叻!
“度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”。 发文告不能解决事情的。
Friday, April 24, 2009
A surprise 一个惊喜
You may be one of the millions who have seen her singing.
A 47 years old lady.
She is plump and conservatively dressed village woman, a very ordinary looking woman.
She walked out to the stage of a talent competition filled with giggles and whistles of skepticism.
Millions on TV and thousands live audience were waiting for her to shame herself, especially the 3 cynical and peevish judges.
She sang. The applause. The standing ovation. The biggest surprise.
A star is born... decades later. A dream realised...decades later.
This is the story of Susan Boyle of England.
Lucky ? No, it is Courage !
Don't judge the book by the cover!
日期: 11-4-2009
这是英国苏珊。博尔(Susan Boyle) 的故事。
Bad time 困境
Just have tea with my friend at the Mamakshop near my office. I noticed there are 3 hawker stalls set up recently selling Malay kuih-muih, nasi lemak...
Time is bad, really really, frighteningly bad.
My friend who runs a paint factory, suffers 80% drop in business and facing difficulty in debt collection.
He supplies paint to factories manufacturing component parts of computers, electronic and home appliances (such as plastic covers). Many big names in home appliances had closed plants, or reduced production or workdays.
Where is the government stimulus lifeline?
我注意到有三档新开的路边小摊, 售卖马来糕点 、椰浆饭等。
他供应漆料给许多大型的电脑 、家电配件(如塑料外壳)制造厂。许多工厂已经关闭,有些则减产或减少工作天数。
Time is bad, really really, frighteningly bad.
My friend who runs a paint factory, suffers 80% drop in business and facing difficulty in debt collection.
He supplies paint to factories manufacturing component parts of computers, electronic and home appliances (such as plastic covers). Many big names in home appliances had closed plants, or reduced production or workdays.
Where is the government stimulus lifeline?
我注意到有三档新开的路边小摊, 售卖马来糕点 、椰浆饭等。
他供应漆料给许多大型的电脑 、家电配件(如塑料外壳)制造厂。许多工厂已经关闭,有些则减产或减少工作天数。
Monday, April 20, 2009
Kuala Sepetang, Kuala Sangga and Pantai Remis *** 十八丁,老港,班台 ( 3 )
Pantai Remis town 班台市区
We returned from Kuala Sangga Island to Kuala Sepetang at about 3:30 pm.
All of us bid farewell to Mr. Lee for his hospitality and assistance. My wife and I continued our journey to Pantai Remis while Peter and friends heading home to Ipoh.
The state route to Pantai Remis is straight and flat lined with oil palm trees. We arrived at my god-daughter Selina's house at Kg Sg Batu forty five minutes later. According to record, Kg Baru Sg Batu is the first Chinese new village in Perak established by the colonial authority about 60 years ago.
It was a family celebrations of grandma's 70th birthday and Selina's 19th birthday. All food were cooked by members of the family - delicious home-cooked food. More than 100 close friends and relatives attended the celebrations.
Pantai Remis is a beautiful coastal town with trees and shops along the main road. We stayed a night and left for home after breakfsast (Sunday).
Selina and grandmother returned to Singapore in the evening.
New village houses 新村屋子
Kuala Sepetang, Kuala Sangga and Pantai Remis *** 十八丁,老港,班台 ( 2 )
Peter has arranged a boat to pick us at the restaurant jetty for the 25 minutes trip to kuala Sangga Island to visit the small church.
Our boatman Mr. Lee, a local resident and a fisherman, told us the story of Kuala Sangga and the church.
Kuala Sangga is a small island at the mouth of Sepetang river and Sangga river. About 100 years ago, Catholic migrants from Teochew, China inhabited the island and lived off the sea. They built houses along the coast line and linked with a long wooden bridge. There was no running water and electricity supply. They relied on rain water and power generated by generators even untll today. They also built a school and a church.
As time progressed, many had moved to the mainland. Today, about 40 households remained and none of them is Catholic.
It was about forty years ago, a fire destroyed few houses but stopped at the church. A local lady resident claimed that she saw a lady on top of the church putting out the fire. They believed it was St. Ann, the patron of the church.
With the dwindling Catholics in the island, priest from Taiping found it difficult to maintain the wooden church which was in deplorable condition. So they decided to close the church and removed the statue and other religious articles. The move met with strong opposition from the non-Christian residents.
They claimed that St. Ann was protecting the islanders. They enjoyed peaceful living and good fortune. Moreover, they have consulted their god through temple medium that should the church and statue removed, their safety and fortune would not be protected.
In order to keep the statue, they started the "save the church" project (believed to be the first and only in history by non-Christians).They contributed money, materials and labour to rebuild a new church for St. Ann. It was completed and dedicated on 31-8-1998.
They have another testimony after the building of the new church. On 26-12-2004 when islanders received the news of the tsunami, they set out to the open sea to scout the horizon for movement of the waves. They saw great waves coming towards the island but changed course when reaching the river mouth of the island. They thanked St. Ann for saving the island. (The strong waves could easily destroy all the wooden houses built right at the coast line)。
Today, there is no Catholic in the island. The church is maintain by the non-Christian islanders. They light candles, offer flowers and fruits at the altar on the 1st and 15th days of the lunar month. The Catholics would come once a year only in August to celebrate St. Ann's feast with Mass and prayer.
The small church is a full concrete building. It looks newish, clean and peaceful. We stayed there for our Rosary and prayed to St. Ann to continue intercede for the islanders. May God continue to bless them with peace and happy living.
The church is the testimony of religious harmony and the communion of people and nature. It is the living history of hard working migrants from China braving the challenging living conditions, and in their small ways, has contributed to the building of the nation. And it is a part of our local church history too.
I have a very warm, home coming feeling after the visit to this small church.
I checked through our local Catholic Directory, sadly, this small St. Ann church is not listed.
More pics on Facebook 更多照片
Video on Youtube 录影
兴文安排了小船到餐馆楼下的小码头接我们,到老港 (kuala Sangga)去参观圣亚纳小教堂,船程需时二十五分钟。
老港处在十八丁及桑加河口。大约在一百年前(十八 、九世纪),来自中国潮州的移民就定居在这个岛上,以海为生。他们在海岸旁建立了木屋,以木桥互相连接。这里到今天,仍然没有电流及自来水的供应。他们以发电机发电,雨水作为食水及日常使用。他们也建立了一所学校及一间教堂。
为了不让圣像被移走,村民们展开了“保堂行动”。我想这是有史以来,第一次非教友保护教堂运动。他们慷慨的捐赠现金 、建筑材料及劳力等,把水泥教堂建起来。新的教堂在1998年,8月31日正式开幕祝圣。
村民还有另一个见证。在26-12-2004 海啸发生后,岛民得知了消息,马上派船到外海观察海浪的移动情况。他们看到巨浪朝着他们的方向前进,但当到了小岛所处的河口时,大浪转了方向分散。这使老 港逃过了可能的灾难。他们感谢圣亚纳的又一次保佑。(巨浪会轻易的把建在沿岸的木屋摧毁)。
今天,岛上已经没有天主教徒了。这间教堂的保养 、清洁工作,就由非教友村民负责。他们在每个农历月的初一及十五,必会到来点蜡烛,供奉鲜花。天主教徒只有在每年的八月,到来参加主保日敬礼及弥撒。
这小教堂是全水泥建筑物。看起来很新 、清洁,也有一种宁静的气氛。我们大家在里面躬诵玫瑰经,要求圣妇亚纳,继续为这个小岛的村民转祷,祈求天主继续降福他们,平安,生活稳定顺利。
到过了这教堂后,至今仍然有一种非常温馨 、回家的感觉。
Our boatman Mr. Lee, a local resident and a fisherman, told us the story of Kuala Sangga and the church.
Kuala Sangga is a small island at the mouth of Sepetang river and Sangga river. About 100 years ago, Catholic migrants from Teochew, China inhabited the island and lived off the sea. They built houses along the coast line and linked with a long wooden bridge. There was no running water and electricity supply. They relied on rain water and power generated by generators even untll today. They also built a school and a church.
As time progressed, many had moved to the mainland. Today, about 40 households remained and none of them is Catholic.
It was about forty years ago, a fire destroyed few houses but stopped at the church. A local lady resident claimed that she saw a lady on top of the church putting out the fire. They believed it was St. Ann, the patron of the church.
With the dwindling Catholics in the island, priest from Taiping found it difficult to maintain the wooden church which was in deplorable condition. So they decided to close the church and removed the statue and other religious articles. The move met with strong opposition from the non-Christian residents.
They claimed that St. Ann was protecting the islanders. They enjoyed peaceful living and good fortune. Moreover, they have consulted their god through temple medium that should the church and statue removed, their safety and fortune would not be protected.
In order to keep the statue, they started the "save the church" project (believed to be the first and only in history by non-Christians).They contributed money, materials and labour to rebuild a new church for St. Ann. It was completed and dedicated on 31-8-1998.
They have another testimony after the building of the new church. On 26-12-2004 when islanders received the news of the tsunami, they set out to the open sea to scout the horizon for movement of the waves. They saw great waves coming towards the island but changed course when reaching the river mouth of the island. They thanked St. Ann for saving the island. (The strong waves could easily destroy all the wooden houses built right at the coast line)。
Today, there is no Catholic in the island. The church is maintain by the non-Christian islanders. They light candles, offer flowers and fruits at the altar on the 1st and 15th days of the lunar month. The Catholics would come once a year only in August to celebrate St. Ann's feast with Mass and prayer.
The small church is a full concrete building. It looks newish, clean and peaceful. We stayed there for our Rosary and prayed to St. Ann to continue intercede for the islanders. May God continue to bless them with peace and happy living.
The church is the testimony of religious harmony and the communion of people and nature. It is the living history of hard working migrants from China braving the challenging living conditions, and in their small ways, has contributed to the building of the nation. And it is a part of our local church history too.
I have a very warm, home coming feeling after the visit to this small church.
I checked through our local Catholic Directory, sadly, this small St. Ann church is not listed.
More pics on Facebook 更多照片
Video on Youtube 录影
兴文安排了小船到餐馆楼下的小码头接我们,到老港 (kuala Sangga)去参观圣亚纳小教堂,船程需时二十五分钟。
老港处在十八丁及桑加河口。大约在一百年前(十八 、九世纪),来自中国潮州的移民就定居在这个岛上,以海为生。他们在海岸旁建立了木屋,以木桥互相连接。这里到今天,仍然没有电流及自来水的供应。他们以发电机发电,雨水作为食水及日常使用。他们也建立了一所学校及一间教堂。
为了不让圣像被移走,村民们展开了“保堂行动”。我想这是有史以来,第一次非教友保护教堂运动。他们慷慨的捐赠现金 、建筑材料及劳力等,把水泥教堂建起来。新的教堂在1998年,8月31日正式开幕祝圣。
村民还有另一个见证。在26-12-2004 海啸发生后,岛民得知了消息,马上派船到外海观察海浪的移动情况。他们看到巨浪朝着他们的方向前进,但当到了小岛所处的河口时,大浪转了方向分散。这使老 港逃过了可能的灾难。他们感谢圣亚纳的又一次保佑。(巨浪会轻易的把建在沿岸的木屋摧毁)。
今天,岛上已经没有天主教徒了。这间教堂的保养 、清洁工作,就由非教友村民负责。他们在每个农历月的初一及十五,必会到来点蜡烛,供奉鲜花。天主教徒只有在每年的八月,到来参加主保日敬礼及弥撒。
这小教堂是全水泥建筑物。看起来很新 、清洁,也有一种宁静的气氛。我们大家在里面躬诵玫瑰经,要求圣妇亚纳,继续为这个小岛的村民转祷,祈求天主继续降福他们,平安,生活稳定顺利。
到过了这教堂后,至今仍然有一种非常温馨 、回家的感觉。
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kuala Sepetang, Kuala Sangga and Pantai Remis *** 十八丁,老港,班台 ( 1 )
18-4-2009, My weekend rendezvous.
A weekend.
A group of friends
A small Island.
A boat.
A fishing enclave.
A church.
With these ingredients, it promised to be a wonderful weekend rendezvous. However, the weekend was not planned based any one of the above.
It all started with 2 invitations.
First, a birthday invitation from my god-daughter Selina of Pantai Remis, Perak who is now working in Singapore. She called to invite me to attend a joint celebrations of her grandmother's 70th and hers 19th birthdays to be held at her home in Pantai Remis on 18-4-09.
Second, an invitation from Sr. Theresa Chew to a folks music concert at Sg. Buluh on the same date. I told Sr. that I was not able to go because of the above birthday invitation. I told her also of my intention to visit Kuala Sepetang since I am going up north. Kuala Sepetang was a hotspot in the recently concluded Bukit Gantang parliamentary by-election and I considered it a place of interest. Immediately Sr. Theresa told me I must visit a historical small church on an island across Kuala Sepetang.
I called up my good friend Peter Cho of Ipoh for more information of the small church. He too expressed his interest of going to visit the church and would undertake to make all necessary arrangement for the visit.
On Saturday, my wife and I met up with Peter at Ipoh. Nine of us - my wife and I, Peter and son Andrea, and five BEC friends, left for Kuala Sepetang at about 10:30 am in two cars and arrived 1 hr. 15 mins later.
Kuala Sepetang, a small Chinese coastal fishing village with many old wooden houses and shops perched on the river side. Many are used as jetties and business premises mainly for the collection and distribution of sea harvests. We saw many colourful boats coming in to unload their catches in plastic containers.
It was noon so we decided to have lunch at a restaurant on the first floor of a concrete building where downstairs is the jetty.
The seafood dishes were fresh, tasty and........pricey too. We ordered fish, prawns, squids, la la, crabs... We got a good view of the village and surrounding mangrove swamps from the restaurant.
18-4-09, 周末约会。
第一,我在星加坡工作的乾女儿欣茹,来电邀请我出席18-4-09,在她的家乡班台(Pantai Remis) 举行的生日庆祝 - 她婆婆的七十大寿和她的十九岁诞辰。
第二,周丽娜修女邀请我出席也是在18-4-09假双溪毛儒举行的乡音考古音乐会。我告诉她不能出席,因为我已经答应了出席乾女儿的班台生日庆祝。我也告诉她,既然北上,我将会到十八丁(Kuala Sepetang) 看看。十八丁在最近的武吉干当国会议席补选时,成为了一个万人关注的焦点。周修女马上提醒我,记得到对面一个岛上的小教堂参观。它充满历史及传奇,值得一走。
就在星期六,我和太太到怡保和兴文会合。我们一行九人 - 我和太太,兴文及儿子安德鲁,加上他BEC的五位朋友,在早上十点半,共乘两辆车,朝十八丁出发。在一个小时十五分后,我们就抵达目的地了。
十八丁是一个典型的华人渔村,有许多木材房屋及沿岸建立的商店。它们除了用来做生意之外,也是小码头,供收集及分发鱼产之用。我们见到许多五颜六色的鱼船进 、出,装载着他们的收获。
适逢是 中午,我们决定先吃午餐。我们找到了一间楼上的餐馆,它的楼下是收集鱼产的小码头。这里的食物美味可口,特别是海鲜,新鲜又甜美。我们点了鱼 、虾 、螃蟹 、啦啦等,但价钱就不那么可口了。。。。
Friday, April 17, 2009
click..gerak 行不动
On the eve of March 8 2008 general election, Party Gerakan Rakyat was in festive mood. They had many reasons to do so. Dr. Koh Tsu Koon was expected to be appointed a minister after the general election to replace Lim Keng Yik who was retiring. Party officials in Penang was jostling to fill the seat vacated by him and the loot of Exco seats. Every thing seemed good.
On March 8 2008, the political tsunami has changed the landscape of the country beyond recognition. Overnight, Gerakan was uprooted.... finished...almost!
Koh Tsu Koon's ministerial dream shattered. The party lost the Penang state and the chief ministership which Koh has been holding for the past 18 years. Gerakan party is in tatter.
Koh Tsu Koon accepted the defeat true to his gentleman character. He cooperated in the transfer of power to Lim Guan Eng from DAP. He took full responsibility of the defeat and vowed not to accept ministerial appointment through senatorship as a matter of principle. Many felt for him and sympathised with him.
Hardly one year later, the new Prime Minister Najib has appointed him a Minister through this value-adding process. He accepted it happily... his dream finally materialized. He was criticised for not upholding his principle and accepted his appointment through this "back door" process. (In Malaysia, we have a setup called Upper House. Anybody, be it nobody, somebody, looser or even corrupted politician, just go in there, through this passage, you are value-added as a Senator, can be a minister - liao!) .
With his appointment, Koh is given a "chicken breast bone" (bony with little meat). It is a difficult ministry and un-enviable task, has little advantage to the revival of his party but may contribute to his downfall or even demise of his party. It is a double bladed sword too. Given the current situation, he has to take it. (contrary to Gerakan Youth leader Lim See Pin who called Koh's appointment as "Super Minister" overseeing 28 ministers' performance... siok sendiri le)
His appointment indicates:
1. BN politic is all about power and position.
2. The respectable gentleman Koh Tsu Koon has died.
3. Koh Tsu Koon the minister is just another power and position craving, principle-less politician.
4. He is enjoying gratuity, benefits as former state assemblyman, former chief minister, plus salary, allowances and perks of senator and minister (jia be liao!).
5. Without voters' support, he still can be a minister. So why bother to give him your vote.
6. His senatorship is a "gift" from UMNO. May not exactly be a puppet of UMNO, but definitely he has no "face".
7. His portfolio of national unity and key performance index of ministries makes him a clown and hastens his fall.
8. National unity? Koh is not able to unite his own tattered party before and after the March 8 election. Building unity is not a strong point for Koh.
9. A loser party president ..... what clout he has to judge the ministers' performance.... a mouse judging elephants, lions and tigers? doubtful KPI figures.
Looks like the Gerakan party has come to a dead end of gerak now!
在去年三月八号大选之前夕,民政党是浸淫在一个喜庆的气氛中。他们有很多值得 庆祝的理由。许子根将在大选中攻打国会议席,以让他能够从退休的党主席林敬益手中接过部长的职位。其他的党要也忙着在争取接过许子根上京后的首席部长空 缺,及还有其他的行政州议员的肥缺。一切都非常令人兴奋。
1. 国阵的政治就是权力和地位。
2. 受人敬重的君子许子根,已经不存在了。
3. 现在的许子根部长,也只不过是和其他贪念权力和地位的人没两样。
4. 他可以享受到前任州议员 、前任首席部长的退休恩俸,加上议员 、部长的薪金 、福利 及各种津贴,真的是“吃不完”!
5. 没有人民的支持,他还是一样升官,所以,为什么还要给他选票你!
6. 他上议员的地位,是巫统了礼物。虽不致称为巫统傀儡,但确是件丢脸的事。
7. 他的官位,将使他成为吃力不讨好的小丑。
8. 他官拜团结及表现指数部长,但他却不能在三零八大选之前 、之后团结自己的党内部。搞团结不是许子根的强项。
9. 一位不得选民支持的党主席,有什么威望可以评估部长的表现?就如老鼠给大象 、狮子及老虎评分。打出来的指数能够想信吗?可能这是狐假虎威的典型参考例子了。
On March 8 2008, the political tsunami has changed the landscape of the country beyond recognition. Overnight, Gerakan was uprooted.... finished...almost!
Koh Tsu Koon's ministerial dream shattered. The party lost the Penang state and the chief ministership which Koh has been holding for the past 18 years. Gerakan party is in tatter.
Koh Tsu Koon accepted the defeat true to his gentleman character. He cooperated in the transfer of power to Lim Guan Eng from DAP. He took full responsibility of the defeat and vowed not to accept ministerial appointment through senatorship as a matter of principle. Many felt for him and sympathised with him.
Hardly one year later, the new Prime Minister Najib has appointed him a Minister through this value-adding process. He accepted it happily... his dream finally materialized. He was criticised for not upholding his principle and accepted his appointment through this "back door" process. (In Malaysia, we have a setup called Upper House. Anybody, be it nobody, somebody, looser or even corrupted politician, just go in there, through this passage, you are value-added as a Senator, can be a minister - liao!) .
With his appointment, Koh is given a "chicken breast bone" (bony with little meat). It is a difficult ministry and un-enviable task, has little advantage to the revival of his party but may contribute to his downfall or even demise of his party. It is a double bladed sword too. Given the current situation, he has to take it. (contrary to Gerakan Youth leader Lim See Pin who called Koh's appointment as "Super Minister" overseeing 28 ministers' performance... siok sendiri le)
His appointment indicates:
1. BN politic is all about power and position.
2. The respectable gentleman Koh Tsu Koon has died.
3. Koh Tsu Koon the minister is just another power and position craving, principle-less politician.
4. He is enjoying gratuity, benefits as former state assemblyman, former chief minister, plus salary, allowances and perks of senator and minister (jia be liao!).
5. Without voters' support, he still can be a minister. So why bother to give him your vote.
6. His senatorship is a "gift" from UMNO. May not exactly be a puppet of UMNO, but definitely he has no "face".
7. His portfolio of national unity and key performance index of ministries makes him a clown and hastens his fall.
8. National unity? Koh is not able to unite his own tattered party before and after the March 8 election. Building unity is not a strong point for Koh.
9. A loser party president ..... what clout he has to judge the ministers' performance.... a mouse judging elephants, lions and tigers? doubtful KPI figures.
Looks like the Gerakan party has come to a dead end of gerak now!
在去年三月八号大选之前夕,民政党是浸淫在一个喜庆的气氛中。他们有很多值得 庆祝的理由。许子根将在大选中攻打国会议席,以让他能够从退休的党主席林敬益手中接过部长的职位。其他的党要也忙着在争取接过许子根上京后的首席部长空 缺,及还有其他的行政州议员的肥缺。一切都非常令人兴奋。
1. 国阵的政治就是权力和地位。
2. 受人敬重的君子许子根,已经不存在了。
3. 现在的许子根部长,也只不过是和其他贪念权力和地位的人没两样。
4. 他可以享受到前任州议员 、前任首席部长的退休恩俸,加上议员 、部长的薪金 、福利 及各种津贴,真的是“吃不完”!
5. 没有人民的支持,他还是一样升官,所以,为什么还要给他选票你!
6. 他上议员的地位,是巫统了礼物。虽不致称为巫统傀儡,但确是件丢脸的事。
7. 他的官位,将使他成为吃力不讨好的小丑。
8. 他官拜团结及表现指数部长,但他却不能在三零八大选之前 、之后团结自己的党内部。搞团结不是许子根的强项。
9. 一位不得选民支持的党主席,有什么威望可以评估部长的表现?就如老鼠给大象 、狮子及老虎评分。打出来的指数能够想信吗?可能这是狐假虎威的典型参考例子了。
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our housemaid 我们的佣人
We got up at 5 this morning.
We left for KLIA at 6 to send off our housemaid Yani to go back to his kampong at Medan, Indonesia... for good. She has been working for us for the past three years.
When the earthquake and tsunami struck Aceh on 26th December 2004, Yani, a single parent, was staying at the epic center Nias Island off Sumatera mainland. They survived by escaping in time to the higher ground.
With home and livelihood destroyed, they moved to Medan. She decided to look for a more lucrative job overseas to support her 2 children and parents*.
Leaving behind two young children was not easy for her. 3 years in Malaysia has saved up enough of money for her to start life anew in Indonesia.
Last night, bidding farewell to us, she down on her knees to express her gratefulness and asked for forgiveness of her any wrong doing. As our appreciation to her trustworthiness and hard work, we presented her a souvenir to mark the 3-year stay with us .... not a Lorex, but a genuine Seiko lady wrist watch.
She is going home to a new environment different from the day she left three years ago. She has to re-adjust herself to the life back home.
We wish her well in her new life. May God bless her and family, especially her two young sons, with good health and happiness.
As for us, we have to adjust our lives too. Pauline decided not to employ new maid. So from today onwards, we will assume the new identity: Pauline and Simon a.k.a Maria and Mario........ :D
I am washing my cup already.....
* Her father passed away a year ago without seeing her.
六点正,我们就驱车前往吉隆坡国际机场,欢送我们的佣人雅妮 Yani 回印尼棉兰的故乡。她已和我们工作三年了,不会再到回来续约。
至于我们,也需要作出调整,而太太也决定不再聘请新的家佣。如此这样,我们的身份也做出相同的改变。从今天起,我们的另一个新的身份是:玛丽亚和玛丽欧。。。。 :D
* 她的爸爸在一年前逝世,没机会和她见面。
We left for KLIA at 6 to send off our housemaid Yani to go back to his kampong at Medan, Indonesia... for good. She has been working for us for the past three years.
When the earthquake and tsunami struck Aceh on 26th December 2004, Yani, a single parent, was staying at the epic center Nias Island off Sumatera mainland. They survived by escaping in time to the higher ground.
With home and livelihood destroyed, they moved to Medan. She decided to look for a more lucrative job overseas to support her 2 children and parents*.
Leaving behind two young children was not easy for her. 3 years in Malaysia has saved up enough of money for her to start life anew in Indonesia.
Last night, bidding farewell to us, she down on her knees to express her gratefulness and asked for forgiveness of her any wrong doing. As our appreciation to her trustworthiness and hard work, we presented her a souvenir to mark the 3-year stay with us .... not a Lorex, but a genuine Seiko lady wrist watch.
She is going home to a new environment different from the day she left three years ago. She has to re-adjust herself to the life back home.
We wish her well in her new life. May God bless her and family, especially her two young sons, with good health and happiness.
As for us, we have to adjust our lives too. Pauline decided not to employ new maid. So from today onwards, we will assume the new identity: Pauline and Simon a.k.a Maria and Mario........ :D
I am washing my cup already.....
* Her father passed away a year ago without seeing her.
六点正,我们就驱车前往吉隆坡国际机场,欢送我们的佣人雅妮 Yani 回印尼棉兰的故乡。她已和我们工作三年了,不会再到回来续约。
至于我们,也需要作出调整,而太太也决定不再聘请新的家佣。如此这样,我们的身份也做出相同的改变。从今天起,我们的另一个新的身份是:玛丽亚和玛丽欧。。。。 :D
* 她的爸爸在一年前逝世,没机会和她见面。
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
还要部落格 Blog the talk
在驾驶中,听到了电台新闻报告,吹擂新首相纳吉的个人部落格 展开的民意调查,获得热烈反应。调查的课题是:最需要关注的课题: 1. 教育资源分配。 2. 学术水准。 3. 非学术教育计划。当时大约有3500 人参与。
本着好奇心,我登录去看看。我以为里面会有更多的课题给我选择,如人民的安全。非常失望,这个部落格就如其他政府部门形式一样,没创意,没新奇格局,离不了官腔是也。我也奇怪,这样的课题,不就是应该由教育部长或高教部长提出的吗?为什么由首相来提出呢?我认为首相应该提出重点课题,来征询人民意见,如问问人民, 他应该优先处理或民生最关注那些课题呢 - 经济?贪污 ? 司法改革 ?教育改革 ? 团结 ?种族极端化 ?
尊 贵的首相,我们在大众传播媒体中已看够你了。你拥有 TV 1, TV 2, TV3, NTV 7, TV 8, TV9, 马来先锋报,每日新闻报,星报,星洲日报,南洋商报,东方日报等等可以利用,为什么还要加多一个部落格来重复这一切呢?你以为我们没事做,会到你的部落格 去听官腔吗?
While driving, heard the radio news boasting very good response from the public to the poll conducted in the Prime Minister Najib's blog on which is the most important (issue) to address: 1. The distribution of education resources, 2. The standard of education, 3. Non-academic education programmes. About 3500 respondents so far.
I wanted to tell the Prime Minister right now one very important issue needed his full attention (besides the 8 mentioned by Lim Kit Siang, the Opposition veteran leader in his open letter to the PM today ) : The security and safety of the people.
A friend of mine in Seremban was robbed and assaulted by two robbers when he went to the public toilet in the market. Despite giving them money willingly, the robbers assaulted him violently after taken his money.... He sustained head and body injury and a broken leg
My friend just told me this incident. Her friend's son in Kajang was poked by a very sharp pin-liked object at the back of his head by two motorcyclists with the intention to rob. He was sent to hospital and was in coma for days. He died one month later in hospital..
An old lady in Telok Intan was robbed and assaulted by robbers at home. She died later.
Taman Maluri residents afraid to come downstairs in the morning, children afraid to go to school, hawkers too fearful to open store for business.......
And many other cases reported and not reported in the media.
We are not safe. We are afraid to go for morning walk, afraid to go to market, afraid to walk alone, afraid to drive at night, afraid to let out our children, citizens employed private guards to protect their homes.......
We live in fear! We are not safe !
Criminals are getting more violent. They are willing to kill or maim the victims for no reason. May be they are inspired by police brutality...! Anyway, the Police is not responding appropriately to arrest the situation.
Dear Prime minister, we have enough of you in TV1, TV2, TV3, TV7, TV9, Utusan Melayu, Berita Harian, The Star, Nanyang, Sinchew, Eastern.... why should we go to your blog to see you repeating the same old things.... nothing better to do meh?!
This is unnecessary and a waste of resources.
本着好奇心,我登录去看看。我以为里面会有更多的课题给我选择,如人民的安全。非常失望,这个部落格就如其他政府部门形式一样,没创意,没新奇格局,离不了官腔是也。我也奇怪,这样的课题,不就是应该由教育部长或高教部长提出的吗?为什么由首相来提出呢?我认为首相应该提出重点课题,来征询人民意见,如问问人民, 他应该优先处理或民生最关注那些课题呢 - 经济?贪污 ? 司法改革 ?教育改革 ? 团结 ?种族极端化 ?
尊 贵的首相,我们在大众传播媒体中已看够你了。你拥有 TV 1, TV 2, TV3, NTV 7, TV 8, TV9, 马来先锋报,每日新闻报,星报,星洲日报,南洋商报,东方日报等等可以利用,为什么还要加多一个部落格来重复这一切呢?你以为我们没事做,会到你的部落格 去听官腔吗?
While driving, heard the radio news boasting very good response from the public to the poll conducted in the Prime Minister Najib's blog on which is the most important (issue) to address: 1. The distribution of education resources, 2. The standard of education, 3. Non-academic education programmes. About 3500 respondents so far.
Out of curiosity, I visited the Blog. I thought there may be more choices of topics or issues I can voice out, like security and safety of the citizen. Very disappointed. It is just another government site. Nothing new, nothing fantastic. And I wondered this poll should have been conducted by the Education Minister, not the Prime Minister. Prime minister should ask his people, which are the most urgent issues to tackle: economy? corruption? judiciary reform? education reform? unity? race polarization?.......
I wanted to tell the Prime Minister right now one very important issue needed his full attention (besides the 8 mentioned by Lim Kit Siang, the Opposition veteran leader in his open letter to the PM today ) : The security and safety of the people.
A friend of mine in Seremban was robbed and assaulted by two robbers when he went to the public toilet in the market. Despite giving them money willingly, the robbers assaulted him violently after taken his money.... He sustained head and body injury and a broken leg
My friend just told me this incident. Her friend's son in Kajang was poked by a very sharp pin-liked object at the back of his head by two motorcyclists with the intention to rob. He was sent to hospital and was in coma for days. He died one month later in hospital..
An old lady in Telok Intan was robbed and assaulted by robbers at home. She died later.
Taman Maluri residents afraid to come downstairs in the morning, children afraid to go to school, hawkers too fearful to open store for business.......
And many other cases reported and not reported in the media.
We are not safe. We are afraid to go for morning walk, afraid to go to market, afraid to walk alone, afraid to drive at night, afraid to let out our children, citizens employed private guards to protect their homes.......
We live in fear! We are not safe !
Criminals are getting more violent. They are willing to kill or maim the victims for no reason. May be they are inspired by police brutality...! Anyway, the Police is not responding appropriately to arrest the situation.
Dear Prime minister, we have enough of you in TV1, TV2, TV3, TV7, TV9, Utusan Melayu, Berita Harian, The Star, Nanyang, Sinchew, Eastern.... why should we go to your blog to see you repeating the same old things.... nothing better to do meh?!
This is unnecessary and a waste of resources.
Aches & pains 酸与疼
While clearing my stuff, I found this very useful piece of information which I had kept for more than 30 years.
This exercise is very effective in relieving aches and pains in the lower back. I have practised it for past 30 years.
Kneel on the floor with knees six to eight inches apart. Bend your torso forward from the waist stretching your arms out in front of your head so that your forehead and most of your arms are on the floor. Your upper body slope down from your hips to the floor. Press your chess as close to the floor as you can(as shown above). Your upper torso weight should be on your hands. Relax for 1 to 3 minutes. Repeat as many times as you like.
It is a Yoga-like pose and it is very effective.
This exercise is very effective in relieving aches and pains in the lower back. I have practised it for past 30 years.
Kneel on the floor with knees six to eight inches apart. Bend your torso forward from the waist stretching your arms out in front of your head so that your forehead and most of your arms are on the floor. Your upper body slope down from your hips to the floor. Press your chess as close to the floor as you can(as shown above). Your upper torso weight should be on your hands. Relax for 1 to 3 minutes. Repeat as many times as you like.
It is a Yoga-like pose and it is very effective.
Monday, April 13, 2009
师傅与徒弟 Master & apprentice
Below is an article (in Chinese) I wrote in the February issue of 『 Love of Light 』 ( founded 1978) monthly Legion newspaper published in Sibu, Sarawak.
The idea of formation of the Legion of Mary is the master and apprentice method. This is the ideal way of training. Instead of delivering lengthy lectures, the master places the work before the eyes of the apprentice, and by practical demonstration shows him how it is to be done, commenting on the different point thereof as he proceeds. Then the apprentice himself attempts the work and is corrected in his execution of it. It is lead by example.
In a parish, parish priest is the Master. Parish priest is laden with works and responsibilities, so he needs many helpers to share and help in his works. Besides the pastoral care of his people, the priest needs to train up laity to be his co-workers.
More than 27 years ago, when I joined the Legion of Mary, I was raw and naive, knew nothing about the legion, and evangelisation was a foreign term. The parish priest then was Rev. Fr. Henriot (pic below). I used to follow him to visit hospitals, families, aged, sick and lonely, the bereaved and many others. I experienced the joy of caring and reaching out to others. Rev. Fr. Henriots's missionary spirit, simple living has become my role model of service to others, and laid the foundation of my serving to the church and membership in the Legion of Mary.
I am one of the many apprentices under Fr. Henriot. A master can have many apprentices to serve the church, community and society. Our Lord Jesus, the Master of masters, in preparation for the conversion of the world, was to surround himself with his chosen ones, whom he tutored and filled with his own spirit. He led by example.
Today, willing master is hard to come by. If you found one, make good use of the opportunity.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter 复活节
This is the night of joy,
Night of light,
Night of life!
This is the night when Jesus Christ broke the chain of death and rose triumphant from the grave. Jesus Christ is risen.
Alleluia ! Alleluia! Alleluia.
We just came back from a 4-hour Easter vigil. We have 59 Elects (candidate) Baptised tonight.
Wishing all you friends - Happy and Blessed Easter !
我们刚参加了4 个小时的复活节守夜庆典回来。今晚我们有59 位侯洗者接受领洗成为教友。
谨祝大家 - 复活节快乐!
圣洗及坚振圣事 Baptism, Confirmation
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday 耶稣受难
We attended the Good Friday service commemorating the death of Christ began at 3:00 pm. (the time Jesus likely died)
The Way of the Cross was held outdoor for the first time with people reenacting the suffering of Christ carrying his Cross under the hot afternoon sun.
10 minutes after we entered the church for other parts of the service (veneration of the Cross and Communion), heavy downpour followed. It was almost a yearly weather during Good Friday, hot sun,dark cloud, rain and sun again.
During the General Intercession prayer For all in public office, I offered the intention of the people of the Chapel of St. John in Triang:
Let us pray for those in public office,
that God may guide their minds and hearts,
so that all men may live in true peace and freedom
Almighty and eternal God,
you know the longings of men's hearts,
and you protect their rights,
In your goodness
watch over those in authority,
so that people everywhere may enjoy
religious freedom, security, and peace,
especially the parishioners of the Chapel of St. John.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
今年的苦路是第一次在户外举行, 在热日当空下,以真人重演了耶稣当时受难,背负十字架受刑的情景。
过后,我们进入教堂进行其他阶段的礼仪(亲苦架及领圣体),不到十分钟,倾盆大雨到来。每年的耶稣受难日,天气度大约如此, 烈日 、黑云 、下雨 、烈日。
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