Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Last 2 days in Lourdes 露德最后的两天





1  1. 圣母显现的确实山洞存在。
2      2. 圣母吩咐伯尔纳德挖掘的泉水,今天还在不断的流淌。它为整个朝圣地提供饮用水及沐浴


3   3. 这里环境清幽,规划及管理良好,朝圣者身处于一个平安、和谐的气氛中,可以很投入的作祈祷及默想。





法国圣母军在朝圣地附近有一间圣母军公所(Legion House),有团员驻守。它主要的目的是透过参于朝圣地各种活动如圣体降福病人游行,晚上玫瑰经烛光游行等,为圣母军作宣传。






The central message of the Apparition of Mary in Lourdes to St. Bernadette is : Prayer, repentance, conversion of sinners.

More than 150 years later, about 8 millions pilgrims annually came to Lourdes to pray for spiritual renewal and physical healing.

There are 3 things pilgrims would do: Prayer (including Rosary), Receiving Sacraments of Reconciliation (confession) and Holy Communion, Bath in Lourdes water and the Way of the Cross.

Besides,Lourdes has many unique characteristics, such as:

1. The cave of Mary's apparition still exists
2. Stream dug by St. Bernadette still flows and providing drinking and bathing water to the pilgrims in visiting the Sanctuary. Many brought home in containers Lourdes water believing in its healing power.
3. The sanctuary is a beautiful place, due to good management and planning, providing a peaceful and harmonious environment for the pilgrims to pray and meditate.

Everyday, one can attend Mass throughout the day. Priests of various languages ready to hear confession at fixed hours.

I liked most was to recite the Rosary at the Grotto as St. Bernadette did.

Across the river, directly opposite the Grotto, reciting Rosary on the wooden bench, with cool wind blowing and flowing waters, hours just passing through without one's notice.

During our 5 day-4 nights stay in Lourdes, we participated 3 nights of Rosary procession. It was a great and awesome experience.

French Legion of Mary manged a Legion House just outside the Sanctuary. we met a Hong Kong fellow Legionary Sally Chan who is an appointed Extension Worker by the Concilium (Legion HQ in Dublin).

She was sent to serve in Dublin and Holland for 6 months in 2013. This year, she was again called to Dublin and Lourdes, where we have the opportunity to meet her.

Lourdes is a place that changes life. The message conveyed by St. Bernadette sure to touch every heart.

My life is sure to change.

(More pictures in Facebook)

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