Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My house maid 我家的女佣

Today we sent our maid Yani(40) to airport, to catch 2:45 pm MH flight to Medan for a three-week home leave.

She is a single parent with two sons. She has been working for us past two years. In my deleted old Blog, I have mentioned that she was the survivor of the Tsunami in 2004 . Her family was staying at Nias Island off Sumatra, the epic centre of 2004 earthquake that triggered the Tsunami. They ran up the hill when the Tsunami struck. They survived and moved to Sumatra Island.

They were dirt poor, so she decided to come over to Malaysia to work as house maid. With her earning, she hoped she and her sons will have a better life.

She is coming back for another year of contract.

我们今天载送佣人 Yani 去机场,乘搭下午2:45 pm 班机回棉兰,度假三个星期。

她今年四十岁,是名单亲,有两个儿子。她在我家已经工作了两年。在我被删去的旧部落格里,我提到她是2004年大海啸的生还者。她和家人(父母,兄弟,孩子及妹妹) 住在靠近苏门打腊的尼亚岛,也就是引起海啸的大地震中心点。当海啸发生时,他们逃到高地,因此逃过了这个浩劫,但家园全毁了。他们搬到苏门答腊岛居住。



Chinese New Year (Yani, left)
农历新年 (Yani, 左)

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