Monday, July 7, 2008

Adventure in Kunming 昆明历险记 ( 3 )

We came back on 3/7/08, Steven came back yesterday (Sunday) on MAS direct flight. He told me there were only 35 passengers on board. He said Kunming was raining everyday since we left. It was God's Providence that we have good weather from the day we landed till the last day, almost. God allowed rain to come down on 2/7/08. It caused airport to close. We have the opportunity to witness the heaviest thunderstorm in fifty years.

Back to our adventure.

In the village, big celebration means feasting 3 meals a day. On the second day in Xiao Pu Zi, it was a Sunday. After morning Mass, we have breakfast with the people together. Breakfast was another heavy meal. A lot of meats, vege and dessert.

It was noon after breakfast. Fr. Leo went to visit his parents graves.

Later, backed to the church, Parishioners (villagers) gathered round Fr. Leo sharing stories and interesting tales. It was sunny (30 degree) but cooling under shed.

In the evening, another heavy meal with relatives and church leaders only. After meal, we strolled around. At night, people gathered at the church compound, chatting, singing, dancing away the last night in Xiao Pu Ze.

More pictures on day 2 更多照片

我们在 3/7/08 (星期四)回来。 Steven 则在昆明多留几天,他在昨天(星期天),乘搭马航直飞航班回来,机上只有35位乘客。他告诉我们,从我们离开那一天,一直到星期天他离开时,昆明天天都下雨。天主恩赐我们好天气。从降陆昆明那天起,到我们离开时,都给我们阳光普照。只有在最后一天,天主让雨降下。一场五十年罕见的暴雨,把机场关闭,我们在昆明多呆了一天。我们还是感谢天主的恩赐,包括让我们有机会见到暴雨后的昆明。




过后,回到教堂,亲戚朋友们都围绕着神父,分享故事,谈古述今。当天阳光灿烂,约攝氏30 度左右,遮荫底下却是非常凉爽。



Breakfast under the sun

Dinner (different dishes ! you see)
晚餐 (不同菜式 !看到吗?)

Bidding farewell

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