Monday, July 28, 2008

getting together 相聚

Tonight we have a small pot-luck gathering of old friends with Fr. Henriot.

Fr. Henriot served as the Parish Priest of our Parish (Church of the Holy Family, kajang) from 1977 to 1991. He is well loved by the people. Bro. Christopher Pelly(left of me) and Robert Tan(extreme right) were the former Chairperson of the Parish Council during Fr. Henriot tenure in Kajang. I succeeded Robert in the mid nineties and served under Fr. Leo Chang and Fr. Julian. Bro. Jude Benjamin (back middle) is the emerging leader of a younger generation of our Parish.

This is indeed a rare occasion to see three generations of leaders coming together with our former parish priest.

Robert toying with Fr's medal
(see 9/7/08 blog)


夏神父在1977年到1991年,是加影圣家教堂的主任神父,备受教友们的爱戴。Christopher Pelly (上图我的后面)及 Robert Tan (上图最右)是夏神父在加影时,堂区议会的前任主席。我在九十年中,从Robert 接过该职位, 堂区主任神父已换了为张神父及廖神父。 Jude Benjamin (后中间)是新一代崛起的年轻领导人。


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