Sunday, May 10, 2009

My new village stories 我来自新村

Chinese subscribers believed to be the main source of income for Astro. From time to time, Astro will re-adjust so called "package", re-shuffle some Chinese channels and charged accordingly. We have to pay a premium for most of the popular Chinese programmes. I am a Astro subscriber but definitely not a fan.

But I have to give a thumb up for Astro 3 weeks ago after watching a great programme produced by them - My new village stories. The first episode was aired on 19-4-2009.

This programme was produced in conjunction with the founding of new villages 60 years ago under the British rule. It featured major new villages in Malaysia, telling the stories of the struggles and sacrifices of early Chinese migrants and settlers, and later the development and progress of the villages and villagers.

It is a wonderful collective memory for those who are born and bred in new villages like me. It is also the collective contribution of Chinese to the development of our beloved country Malaysia.

The programme is aired on AEC Channel every Sunday at 9:00 pm, repeat one hour later at 11:00 pm; repeat on Tuesday10:00 am and Friday 5:00 pm.

** See footnote at bottom

More info 更多播出资料
http://astroxincun.blogspot ;

华人观众相信是Astro 寰宇无线电视的最大收入来源。它时常调整所谓的配套,把节目东拉西扯,调换,然后就成为了新的配套,修改价钱,只有 上没有下。我们通常都要付出较高的费用,才能够享受那些较流行的华语频道。我是astro 的用户,但绝不是它的拥护。

不过,在四月的时候,我得给它一个大拇指的赞赏。Astro 制作了一个新的节目,名为【我来自新村】,第一集在19-4-09 播出。

这节目是配合在英国统治时,建立新车六十周年而制作。节目是介绍全马主要的华人新村,叙述数十万华人当年如何被驱赶进入集中区居住,开垦蛮荒,流血流汗,把新村建立,也把家园建立,新村及村民的艰辛 、刻苦 、牺牲,为国家发展的血泪史。


这节目每个星期日晚上九时,在AEC 301 频道播出,同晚十一点重播,然后星期二早上十时及星期五傍晚五时再重播。

Foot note 后记:

『My side of story』 a book written by Chin Ping, the Head of disbanded Communist Party of Malaya is a good reference book to know more about the history of Chinese new villages. (Available in English and Chinese translation).


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