Monday, January 18, 2010

One Malaysians 一个马来西亚人

The year 2010 see a new ONE Malaysia, the unbelievable ONE !

So far.....

ONE Malaysians
(100 %) have to swipe their MyCard (Malaysian identity card) to buy petrol (may be limited quantity only), so that we can make a little bit more on petrol sales from the visiting motorists from Thailand and Singapore. (cut toes to suit the shoes)

ONE Malaysians from East Malaysia arriving at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) must quickly use the correction fluid to blank out or erase the word "Allah" from their magazines, Bibles and other publications in their luggage and data in their laptops. The use of the word "Allah" is allowed in East Malaysia but prohibited in West Malaysian.

ONE Malaysians from Penang reaching the states of Kedah, Perak must do the same as the East Malaysians. Penangites are allowed to use the word "Allah" while the rest of the states in Peninsular Malaysia is not allow. (It was announced that Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya can use the word Allah too!)

ONE Malaysians in Johore who are not Muslim, must close their mouths for one second when singing their State Anthem so that to miss out the first word of the anthem "Allah".

ONE Malaysians under the new policy of ONE ID number system, must swipe their MyCard when entering churches, to determine where are they from, and allow or not allow to say the word "Allah". They also must swipe card to determine how much and what price of petrol they can buy.

ONE Malaysians mentioned the word "Allah" more than ever before .... more than the past 53 years combined! I myself had written so many times "Allah" in this posting. News readers mentioned the word "Allah" daily, newspapers printed the word daily, Ah Bek in coffee shops discussed the word every morning and evening during their tea times, ..... every citizen in ONE Malaysia knows the word "Allah", talk about the word "Allah"..... Isn't it a good thing !

So far......



一个马来西亚人(100%)必须刷马来西亚卡(马来西亚身份证)才能够购买到汽油(可能限定数量)。这是我们政府要从来自泰国及新加坡的旅客,在他们购买的汽油里,多赚取一点 (削趾适履)。

一个马来西亚人来自东马的沙巴及沙捞越,在抵达吉隆坡国际机场及廉价机场时,必须检查他们带过来的杂志,圣经及其他书籍,把里边的 “Allah”(阿拉)一字删除或涂掉。这包括手提电脑里边的资料。“Allah” 一字,只准在东马使用,西马则不准。


一个马来西亚人居住在柔佛州,在唱州歌的时候,必须把嘴闭上一秒,因为该州歌第一个字就是“ Allah ”。只有回教徒才能说这字眼。


一个马来西亚人,在进入教堂时,要刷卡,以鉴定你的宗教信仰; 在购买汽油时,要刷卡,看你能够买到什么价钱的汽油。

,嘴里提到“ Allah ” 这个字的次数,比过去五十三年总和还要多。我本身在这里就写了好几十次了。新闻播报员每天都有提起,报纸每天都有印载,阿伯每天喝茶,谈天说地的时候,都在讨论这个字眼。。。每个公民都知道,都提到 “ Allah ”这字眼。。。。每个人都认识“Allah”,都在叫“Allah ”,这不是好事吗?



queen_of_bee said...

selangor's anthem also has the word @ll@h. apa macam?

Simon Kajang said...

aiya, saya olang selangor, ta tau nyanyi lagu negeri....tu pun tak apa, tak perlu belajar lah,sebeb di larang sebut @ll@h....