Friday, January 21, 2011

Foreign workers 外國勞工

Malaysians are getting lazier, depending more on foreign labours. We simply cannot survive without foreign workers!

Officially there are about 2 million foreign workers in Malaysia. It is widely believed that there are a million more illegals joining the workforce.

The contribution of foreign workers are from Indonesia ( 50.9%), Bangladesh (17.4%), Nepal (9%), Myanmar (7.8%), India (6.3%) and the rest from Vietnam.

They are distributed mainly in manufacturing sector (39%), construction (19%), plantation (14%), housemaids (12%) and service sector.

Indonesia has recently hit Malaysia's vulnerable point by freezing the export of housemaids to Malaysia demanding higher pay and better working condition. Malaysian households depend heavily on Indonesian maids.

Being the biggest supplier of foreign workforce, Malaysia has to kow tow to Indonesia in many other affairs.

Lately I noticed foreign workers have taken over hawker food stalls and car washing! (mostly are illegals)

And we are getting lazier .... no longer washing our car and motorcycle ... due to the availability of cheaper workforce.

Motorcycle washed by foreign workers too.








While Bangladeshi workers washing cars, Indonesian workers are busy building houses and shops across the road (arrow)


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