Sunday, June 12, 2011

Traffic jam & dinner 车龙,宴会

I am not well today.... Flu attack!

After a hectic two weeks, my body said "no no no no....Achoooooo Achooooo !".

It was made worse by a 2 1/2 hours traffic jam yesterday evening.

Yesterday (Saturday) evening, I left the house at about 6:15 pm for a wedding dinner at Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Normally it takes less than 1 hour to reach the destination.

I was stuck in the traffic right after exiting from Kajang. It took me almost 2 hours to reach Sg Besi Toll plaza which usually needed 10 minutes only.

At the toll plaza, cars from about 20 collection gates took 20 minutes to merge into 3 normal lanes.

I reached Concorde Hotel about 8:45 pm., 2 dishes has been served.

This was the worse traffic jam I have encountered at this stretch of road and the most late-arrival to a wedding dinner.

I arrived home after dinner at 11:45 pm.

今天,我的身体不舒服 。。。感冒了。

经过两个星期的紧凑生活,我的身体抗议了: " 不行了,不行了。。。哈嗤,哈嗤..”。


昨天傍晚(星期六),我在六点十五分左右离家开车到吉隆坡的 Concorde Hotel 参加一项结婚宴会。 通常一个小时左右就可以抵达目的地。

当我出了加影进入南北大道,就塞在车龙里。。。两个小时后,才到了Sg Besi 收费站。通常只需十分钟就行了。

付了过路费,整 20 条收费站点车辆,经过了整20分钟,才挤到三条正式的车道。。。。





Ngu said...

听来好好恐布呀,在诗巫还不至于这样,当然诗巫的生活水平不能更吉隆坡比。在这里,令人受不了的是宴席不准时开始,总是让人饿着肚子在等呀等呀等,所以,我去参加宴会前,总得先吃点东西,免得 "挨饿"。

Agnes C said...
