Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fellowship day 2 交流会的第二天

Group photo 全体合照

Day 2 of the Fellowship sees more serious business.

We started the day with Mass, followed by a talk by Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu John Wong entitled " Awakening of the Door of Faith".

Fr. Fabian and Fr. Paul Wong each gave a talk each on the same subject entitled "Knocking the Door of Faith" and " Open the Door of Faith". 

We have some free time before and after lunch that allowed legionaries to mingle to do some catching up, and getting to know more friends.

(more pictures in Facebook)

(Fr. Fabian "knocking on the door of Faith video )

Legionaries from Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡军友

交流会的第二天, 是较严肃的活动 - 讲座。



江宗欢神父 - “敲响信德之门”。江神父以故事及图片,充满动感的呈献了这个讲座。

王保禄神父 - 敲开信德之门“。王神父以日常及生活化的方式,生动的完成了这个讲座。




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