Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ah Wong Junior and me 小黄与老潘

Alan came to Kuala Lumpur with his father Anthony Wong more than 10 years ago to enroll into a college for his law study. They were Malaysians residing in Brunei.

He completed his study in United Kingdom and came back to KL again for his chambering and CLP (Certificate in Legal Practice)

On 29-9-2005, he was admitted to the Bar as an Solicitor and Advocate.

His proud parents, sister and I were there to share this joyous occasion.

On 22-8-2013, I met Alan at the Palace of Justice (Federal Court), Putrajaya where he attended some cases of his clients in court.  

May God continue to bless Alan and family with good health and happiness.

(Few more pics in Facebook)

Alan 在十多年前来到吉隆坡的一间学院,就读法律课程。他们当时是住在汶莱。


29-9-2005 他正式成为执业律师。


22-8-2013, 很意外的在布城的司法宫(联邦法院)遇见了Alan。当天他是有案件而需要到此出庭。

愿主继续降福Alan 及家人,健康,快乐,生活幸福。

( 几张照片Facebook)


Anthony said...

艾伦出国(汶莱来到吉隆坡)深造, 有你潘老大接应和照顾, 我和美婷铭记在心。英国回来考到律师执业执照, 你赶来祝贺。结婚吉日, 老大你为他领经, 安排婚礼圣祭。你真是大好人, 认识老大, 是天主的祝福, 是我和家人的福气, 感谢赞美主!

Simon Kajang said...
