Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sakura Sakura 櫻花櫻花

On 8/4/2015 (Wednesday) night, my wife and I, together with 2 couple-friends, we went for a Sakura holiday in Kyoto and Osaka.

It was a mid-night MAS flight but was delayed by 3 hours. The plane took off at about 3:00 am, reaching Osaka Kansai Airport at about 10:30 am local time. ( 5 1/2 hr flight time)

We arrived at Kyoto J-hoppers hostel at about 2 pm.

We were very tired by in order to catch more time for Sakura viewing, we left immediately for Heian-jingo shrine.

It is almost towards the end season of Sakura in Kyoto/Osaka area. We were fortunate to see some good flowers.

It was a long day and we were dead tired.

(See pictures in Facebook)

8/4/2015 星期三,我和太太及另兩對夫婦朋友,启程飞往日本京都及大阪,开始樱花之旅。

马航子夜的班级延误三个小时,在凌晨三点左右才起飞,抵达大阪关西机场,已经是当地时间早上10:30 am.





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