Thursday, May 21, 2015

最美丽祝福 Most beautiful blessing




“我们的寿数,不外七十春秋,若是强壮,也不过八十寒暑;但多半还是充满劳苦与空虚,因转眼即逝,我们也如飞而去。。” (圣咏90)

在这短暂的人生中,假如找到了人生的意义及目标,那是一个非常完美及喜乐的事。 人生将不会因劳苦而悲伤,不会因空虚而寂寞。

一群充满喜乐、感恩心情的新领洗者,在19-4-2015 晚上八时正,集聚在一起,欢庆他/她们人生中,最喜乐的事 -- 找到了耶稣,找到了信仰,找到了人生的意义。(歌曲最美丽祝福







Twenty two is a number, but one third of my life.

I joined RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) ministry of Holy Family Church 23 years ago. A year later, joined the newly formed RCIA Mandarin until now.

I rejoiced in seeing the transformation of new enquirers to Neophytes (newly baptised), sharing their joy and gratefulness in finding Jesus.

"The span of our life is seventy years -- eighty for those who are strong -- but their whole extent is anxiety and trouble, they are over in a moment and we are gone." (Psalm 90)

Life is short but if found your calling and faith, it's "anxiety and trouble" "over and gone" no more.

As a Catholic, it is my mission to share my faith and joy of Gospel with others.

On 19-4-2015, I rejoiced with a group of neophytes, baptised on 4-4-2015 Easter Vigil Mass, in celebrating the conclusion of almost one year 2014-2015 RCIA session.

They were filled with Spirit and Joy. 

Besides songs, praises and prayers, each RCIA team member and neophytes brought a dish to the port-luck gathering.

They sing and dance, reveling in love and fellowship throughout the evening. 

With the ending of 22nd session, RCIA 23rd will commence in July.

Praise the Lord.

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