Saturday, October 31, 2015

Chiangrai & Chiangmai (1) 清莱、清迈

Holy Family Taichi Group orgainsed a trip to Chiangrai & Chiangmai from Oct 25 to 29 in conjunction with its 28th anniversary. A total of 28 members and families participated.

With Susan & Tony, parents-in-law(aged 88 & 82 respectively), we made it as our family trip too.

We arrived at Chiangmai at around 2:30 pm. It took us almost 1.5 hours to clear the Immigration with just 2 counters opened.

However, 2 more counters were opened later specially for China group tourists ... we believed bribery was involved.

We embarked immediately a 4.5-hour journey to Chiangrai, about 200 kilometers north, arriving at about 9:00pm.

In Chiangrai, we visited the famous White Temple and the Golden Triangle, crossing over Mekong River to Laos by boat for a brief visit.

Later we traveled 60 kms to Mae Sai, a town bordering Myanmar. Some members paid extra 1300 Baht to the tour guide for a 3 hour sight-seeing tour inside Myanmar. 

Eight of us decided to stay put to explore Mae Sai town.

After some shopping, we chanced upon a noodle shop, to enjoy delicious beef noodles and goodcoffee specially made by the friendly owner Mr. Udom (82).

We spent almost 2 hours at the shop chatting with Mr & Mrs Udom, enjoying their super delicious beef balls and cups of coffee.

Mr. Udom is a Thai Chinese, speak good Mandarin and Hakka. We warmly invited them to be our guests in Malaysia.

It is the comfortable noodle shop, delicious beef noodles, wonderful coffee and its friendly owner, rather than the shopping that we remembered for this visit.

1. (See pictures in Facebook - Chiang Rai)

2. Mae Sai 


我的岳父母(88 ; 82岁)、小姨夫妇也与我们同行。









店东Udom 先生 (82岁)是泰国华人,祖籍客家,非常友善,与我们交谈良久 (华、客家语),还特别捧上水果招待。因为没有语言隔膜,大家都谈的很投机。我们热情的邀请他到马来西亚作客,他也答应会尽量的安排。


1. 照片 Facebook - 清莱)

2.   眉塞

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