Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New plan 新计划

Cahaya Puri Holdings Sdn Bhd, a business company formed by the laity supported by the CDD for evangelisation through print media and audio visual, and Mustard Seeds Evangelisation Centre (MSE), a production outfit also supported by the CDD and run by the laity, have joined together for the project on the production and distribution of DVD produced by the Hong Kong Diocesan Audio Visual Unit.

We have signed an agreement with our Hong Kong counterpart and decided to produce four titles per year including stories on St. Paul the Apostle and St. Faustina.

Last night (Monday), we have a group discussion regarding the design, quantity and marketing plan to be launched soon in 2009. I am very happy to work with a group of enthusiastic and committed young people. They are also responsible for the successful promotion of Little Rock Bible Course throughout Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan, Australia and China.

光仁服务中心是由平信徒出资注册,主徒会支持的一间商业公司,其宗旨是以书刊 、音 及影媒体去推广福音传播工作。芥子福音传播中心(芥子心)也是一个有主徒会推动,平信徒参与的,以创作及制作刊物、音乐及影像VCD 作福传工作的机构。最近这两机构联合一同进行制作及推销香港教区大众传播单位出品的DVD计划。


昨晚(星期一),我们讨论了关于设计 、产量及销售计划等事项,并决议在不久就会展开推介工作。我非常的高兴能够和这批充满干劲及热忱的年轻人一起工作。他们也是成功推动小磐石圣经课程到全马,汶莱、台湾、澳洲及中国的同一批人。

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