Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sad loss 痛失

I received the sad news yesterday morning.

Michael Tan (53), photographer of Herald, the Catholic weekly, passed away suddenly of a heart attack. He left behind his beloved wife Helen. They have no children.

Michael was a friendly, helpful, kind and well-loved person. We met often at church functions. His death was a sad loss to the community and the church.

Funeral Mass will be held at the St. Ignatius Church tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00 am. May his soul rest in peace.


Michael Tan, 天主教【前锋报】的摄影记者,昨天心脏病突发,与世长辞,享年53岁。他留下遗孀Helen。 他们没有孩子。

Michael 是一位友善 、乐于助人 、善良及得人爱戴的教友,我和他常在一些教会集会碰面。他的逝世,确是本地团体及教会的一个损失。



溪水信女 said...

YES!!!! it was a sad and sudden lost to us! Sadder than this is that i missed the funeral mass!!!! very disappointed, heard from office staff on th efirst day of his death that funeral will be at SIC at 12.30 noon, today, i arrived at SIC at 12noon to find that the Church doors were fault too, i did n double check the newspaper!!!! Anyway, may his soul rest in peace!

Simon Kajang said...

It was an unintentional mistake. Michael knows your concern and sadness for him. He is assured of your prayer always.