Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The NAME of the game 游戏名字

Karpal and son, Gobin Singh

(Terhad & For Christianity, required by law ;D)

Non-Muslim cannot utter or print the word "Allah".
Herald,the Catholic Weekly got the prohibition order. Later the order was revoked on condition that "For Christianity" must be printed on the mask head. Again, later later, this revocation order was revoked by another revocation order on ground of "ooops.. it's a mistake".

No one can say "sue the Sultan".
Member of Parliament Karpal Singh was charged with sedition in Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court this morning in relation to his threat to sue the Perak Sultan over the political crisis in the state.

The man-made laws has eroded the greatness of the names, the people who proclaimed themselves the protectors of the names has tarnished the purity of the names.

They have private-owned these great names. The names are "Allah" & " Sultan".

In Parliament, Member of Parliament Gobin Singh, son of Karpal Singh calling Deputy Prime Minister Najib a "murderer", was suspended from Parliament for one year without salary, allowances and perks.

While all these are going on, the snatch thieves and robbers going on their business as usual too. An Australia tourist who arrived at Taiping 3 hours earlier, was injured when 2 thieves snatched his bags containing cash and his and wife's passports while walking to take his lunch.

非回教徒不能说或写 “阿拉Allah"这个字眼。天主教前锋报被发出禁止令。不过在较後时,内政部长发出一个取消指令,这个字眼可以用,但在刊物的头版,必须印上“基督教徒而已”。但这个取消指令,在较後的较後时,又别另一通取消指令取消了,理由是“。。喔 喔。。我们弄错了。。”



他们已经私佔了这名字。这名字是“阿拉” 和“苏丹”。

昨天在国会,卡巴星的儿子,国会议员哥宾星,因指副首相纳吉是一位“杀人凶手”,而被禁足国会12 个月,不能享有薪金 、津贴和福利。

当这些事情正在闹哄哄的进行着时,强盗和劫匪照常的进行他们的非法勾当。一位刚抵达太平三个小时的澳洲旅客,在步行时,被攫夺匪抢了皮袋,跌倒而遍体鳞伤。 他的皮袋里有现金和他及太太的护照。

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