Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good & bad 善与恶

Recently I read an article in the newspaper talking about "good people will be rewarded". The writer quoted the book why good things happen to good people by Stephen Post to back up his article. Stephen Post is a professor, writer, researcher, and President of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, focuses on the scientific study of altruism, compassion and service.

I have not read this book, but according to the synopsis of the book: the new research shows that when we give of ourselves, especially if we start young, everything from life-satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly affected. Mortality is delayed. Depression is reduced.

The inspiring new research includes a fifty-year study showing that people who are giving during their high school years have better physical and mental health throughout their lives. Other studies show that older people who give live longer than those who don't. Helping others has been shown to bring health benefits to those with chronic illness, including HIV, multiple sclerosis, and heart problems. And studies show that people of all ages who help others on a regular basis, even in small ways, feel happiest.

I agreed completely with the finding. But on the other hand, good things happen to bad people too, especially in material gains. There are thousands of bad people leading immoral and corrupted lives yet enjoying luxurious and comfortable living.

And bad things happen to good people also. It is very common that good people suffer materially, physically and spiritually.

My definition of a "good person" is someone who is willing to give and help others. I do not expect returns when I give. I want to be a good person and accept the fact that bad things can happen to me too. I believe giving is the most happy thing to do, and on this basis, I am a happy man.

Bad things happen to good people is equally true as good things happen to good people. It depends on your definition of "good things".

Blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the earth as inheritance.
Blessed are those who mourn: they shall be comforted.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness: they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them.
Blessed are the pure in heart: they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.
(Matt 5: 1-12 The 8 beatitudes)

最近在报纸上看了一篇文章,讲的是好人有好报。作者也引用了一本由史提文教授所写的“为什么好事发生在好人身上”的书,来论证他的说法。史提文是一名大学教授,作家,研究员;他也是一间名为“无限的爱”学院的总裁。该学院专注于关怀 、怜悯及服务的科学化研究。

我没有看过这部书,但从它的简介中有这样的写到: 新的研究显示,当我们奉献自我的时候,特别是从年青时做起,生活的满足感,自我实现及身体的健康,都受到显著的影响。寿命延长。减少情绪低落。

这个令人鼓舞的研究也包括了五十年研究成果,显示了当人们从中学时代起, 就开始施 赠的话,他的一生会享受到更好的生理及心理健康。 其他的研究也证明乐善好施的老年人,比那些没有如此行为的老人,更加长寿。乐善好施行为,也为那些患有各种健康状况者 、包括艾滋病,肌肉萎缩及心脏病患者,带来健康的好处。研究也显示,任何人,不分年龄,只要是常常乐于助人,就算是一点丁行动,都会觉得快乐。

我非常同意这些研究报告。但另一方面,好事也会发生在怀人身上,特别是物质方面。成千上万不仁不义 、为非作歹 、腐败的人,却在享受着荣华富贵 、舒适的生活。

同时,坏事也会发生在好人身上。非常普遍的我们可以看到,许多好人遭受到物质 、身体及精神上的折磨。



(玛5:1-12 真福八端)

Sermon of the mount
(The 8 beatitudes)


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