Monday, March 23, 2009

Acies 检阅典礼

On Sunday 22-3-09, the legionaries held their annual Acies at the St. John Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur. It was attended by Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, Fr. Amala, Fr. Thomas Loh, religious sisters and about 1000 legionaries from English, Mandarin, Tamil, Filipino and Korean language groups.

There are four functions annually bringing together the members of the Legion in a district in order that they may know each other and that the spirit of unity may be fostered.

One of the functions is Acies, a Latin word meaning as it does an army ranged in battle array. It is a consecration of legionaries and as a body assemble to renew their fidelity to Mary, Queen of Legion,and from her to receive strength and blessing for yet another year's battle with the forces of evil.

The other three are Annual General Reunion, Praesidium function and outdoor function.

During the Acies, each member would make individual consecration to Mary by putting one hand on the vexillum and says the following words:" I am all yours, my Queen, my Mother, and all that I have is yours."

Few more pics on Facebook
{Legion homepage}
Members renewing pledge in pair

Archbishop renewing pledge


在星期天 22-3-2009, 圣母军假吉隆坡圣若望主教座堂举行了常年检阅典礼。巴吉安总主教,安玛拉神父,罗秀彪神父,修女及约1000名来自英 、华 、印 、菲及韩语组的圣母军团员出席了这项典礼。


检阅典礼是其中的一项重要活动。检阅典礼就好像军队的排阵,向圣母军的首领圣母玛利亚,表达对她的忠贞 、奉献及孝爱,也从她那里领受力量及祝福,面对新的一年的挑战和恶势力的斗争。



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