Friday, May 8, 2009

A black day 黑暗的一天

Yesterday, 7-5-2009, was a black day.

I was down with flu with temperature shooting up to 39 degree Celsius. I was coughing badly. I have to gaggle with water to cool myself before entering doctor's examination room. This was to avoid the doctor put me under "suspected A -H1N1 ".

But this could only made it a sick day, not a black day. Yesterday was a black day because of the fiasco in Perak State Legislative Assembly and the actions of the Perak Police and also ludicrously and shamefully, you cannot were black!

It was a black day because you cannot wear black on this particular day. Many people were arrested in Ipoh, some were in the coffee shop having breakfast, one unlucky fellow was wearing a black T-shirt doing his morning exercise ... all because wearing black. Many Members of Parliament, State Assemblymen were arrested by police because they were wearing black too.

I was wearing black but not to be arrested because I was not in Ipoh.

It was a black day because the the over-reaction and intolerance of the Police. The Police Force today likened to a "mad hound", would attack harmless and weaponless people - people wearing black, people holding candles, people walking in a group, any MP or State Assemblyman or women not belonging to Barisan Nasioanal..... even lawyers, but are rather helpless in facing mat rempit (motor-cyle gangs), snatch thieves, robbers, rapists and other criminals.....

They cannot be trusted in protecting the right of citizens and innocents. They lord over the people, not servant and protector of the people.

It was a black day because the constitution and rule of law of the land being disregarded and trampled. A deputy speaker of the Assembly( her name I deemed too derogatory to mention) sacked her boss, the Speaker of the Assembly!?!? what a big joke!

A legitimate Speaker of the house being physically removed (with chair) from the house! First in the history of the parliamentary democracy.

Who is the legal Mentri Besar? The court would decided on Monday, but a "new mentri Besar" already busy at work fighting for his place in the assembly.

When Perak Mentri Besar Nizar asked the Sultan for consent to dissolve the assembly for a new election to seek for a fresh mandate, instead, he happily using his "power" to tell him: “ you better step down, I will appoint a new one. You do not have the support of the assembly any more?!? ” Funny, no vote of confidence was being taken? Who is running the state? who has the mandate of the people?

Mahathir said sultan cannot sack a mentri besar ! Former Judge NH Chin said the sultan is morally wrong in so doing! The president of the Senate said should go back to the people to decide!

It was a Royal Command fiasco show ! It involved The Royal Malaysian Police, with His Highness, Tengku Nasrin at the VIP room and his Highness state government.

Prime Minister Najib called the fiasco a shame to our country. Yes, shame on him, not us.

My flu is getting better but the medication really knocked me down. But I enjoyed the drowsiness and sleepiness after taking the medicines. I can sleep!

I am imposing a self-quarantine until until my coughing stops!

昨天,7-5-09, 是黑暗的一天。

我得了严重的感冒,体温上升到39度,咳嗽的很厉害。在还没见到医生之前,我用水来漱口,希望能“冷却”自己,免得医生量体温时,把我列入“疑似A H1N1"病患。


这是黑暗的一天,很简单的,因为这天穿黑色衣服就是犯法。这天,在怡保,很多人在咖啡店吃早餐被警察逮捕,就因为他穿上黑衣。一位可怜的老兄,穿着黑色的上衣做晨运,也莫名其妙的被警察逮捕。好多位国会议员 、州议员,也被拘捕,原因就是穿黑色的衣服。


这是黑色的一天,因为警察的过激行动及缺乏容忍。今天的警察部队,犹如一只“疯狗”。他们会无无缘无故的攻击那些手无寸铁 、不会对财物或人作出伤害的无辜的人 - 如穿黑衣的人,手拿蜡烛的人,集会的人群,那些不属于国阵的国会议员或 州议员。。。甚至律师!但奇怪的是他们面对飚车党 、摄夺匪徒 、强盗 、强奸犯等,却束手无策。。。


这是黑暗的一天,因为宪法及法律的精神被丢弃及践踏。你看!州议会的副议长,(此人的名字我认为太下流去提到)胆敢开除及驱逐合法的议长,他的上司?!?!可耻 、可笑。




马哈迪说:“苏丹可以委任州务大臣,但不能够开除他。前任法官NHChin 说,假如苏丹开除大臣,道义上,他是错了。上议院议长看到了这个持续的乱象,他认为只有再回到人民哪里,交由他们决定。

这是一齣皇家演出闹剧。主演的有马来西亚皇家警察, 皇家州议员,还有在贵宾室等候的皇储。




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