Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Black shirt 黑衣

On 27 October 1987, when the Malayisan Police under the order of then prime minister Mahathir, carried out Operation Lallang, The masthead of The Star was in black (as contrast to usual red). It was a black day for our country.

All together 106 leading opposition leaders, academicians, NGO activists, educationists, religions leaders were arrested and put to Kemunting detention camp. The licences of The Star and Sinchew Daily were revoked. Their operation resumed few months later after restructuring. Alas, they are different papers from pre- 27-10-2009.

5 May 2009, poll reform group BERSIH spokeperson Wong Chin Huat was arrested under Sedition Act by just saying at a press conference "wear black on 7-5-2009" to protest the Perak state government takeover by Barisan Nasional which has been seen as undemocratic and unconstitutional.

By telling people to wear black posed no security threat to the country, no threat to any one except shaming those who are guilty.

The police should put in more effort to arrest mat rempit, snatch thieves, robbers..... they are the threat to the security of the people.

Mahathir, Najib, Syed Hamid, Hishammuddin ,.... any semblance... or any difference?

Whatever slogan, gesture and people-friendly actions undertaken by Najib, like visiting markets, Petaling street, Puduraya.... all are bull shit cosmetic public relation stunt... leopard cannot change skin.

Since when choice of color has constituted an criminal offence? It is shameful and ludicrous.

Oppression is getting worse. The leopard has shown its spots.

在27-10-1987, 警方在当时首相马哈迪的指示下,展开了“茅草行动”。隔天的英文【星报】封面以黑色的字代替了红色的报名,因为这是黑暗的一天。


5-5-2009, 选举监督组织 - 『净选联盟』的发言人黄进发,被警方引用煽动法令下被逮捕,因为他在一些新闻发布会上,呼吁人们“在7-5-2009穿黑衣”,以表示对国阵政府不符合宪法及不民主的夺取霹雳州政权。



马哈迪 、纳吉 、赛哈密 、希山慕丁...... 有相似的地方?! ..... 或有不同的地方?!

纳吉接任首相后,喊了很多口号 、做了很多亲民的动作,如拜访巴杀 、小贩中心等,这些都是公关的骗人的表面动作,豹子不能换皮的!(与虎谋皮,是不可能的!)





Anonymous said...


Simon Kajang said...

任何一个政党或集团,权利太多,就会变腐败 、独裁 、只手遮天。换不换政府,或谁执政,是次要,最重要的是要有另一衡制的力量,以防一方滥用权力,践踏司法,为所欲为。