Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hail Mary 万福玛丽亚

Anthony Ng is a visitor to my blog especially on my travel adventure. He commented to me that most of my travel, especially overseas, has some adventure element.

Taipei Fellowship's adventure played out at the ending of the journey.

Two Petaling Jaya lady legionaries also stayed at a convent in Yang Ming Shan, also took the same flight home with me. They have "ordered" me to take care of them.... " we follow you only" ! Me !? saviour?! Follow Me?!?!

We were on the same taxi to the ariport. At the check in counter of Malaysian Airlines, the check in staff noticed one of them had her name on the ticket different from the name in the passport. She must has an alias... "Can you show me any identification paper ( IC) with both names in it ?" No IC, no driving licence in her handbag!

"why I have no problem in Malaysia?"

We were in Taiwan. How to prove her identity? In my mind, I was already thinking if any delay cause us to miss the flight, should I stay back to be with her? Her identity must be confirmed before allowing to check in.

After few minutes of checking ans re-checking, "please wait, I shall check with my superior." The counter staff, Miss He Yu was polite and patient, and pretty too. :D

She left the counter to check with her superior.

I applied the most trusted and effective formula: "Hail Mary, full of Grace, please help us to ratify and get her place.... Hail Mary, full of Grace, help us to ratify and get her place... Hail Mary, full of Grace........"

A good few minutes later, she came back with a smile.

"Sorry, we found it on the last page of your passport. 'Bearer also known as xxxx (the alias)'"

sssshhhuuuiiii ! what a fright !

The same situation at the Immigration counter but it was easy. The passport holder knew how the answer. Smiling all the way to the plane and arrival at home !

PEOPLE, if you or your relatives have an alias, make sure key in all names in your air ticket booking .... not too lazy to add in the alias (esp travel agent). You will never know... or passport holder will never know, his/her alias is printed at the back of the passport!

Now I know.

瑞良是我部落格的访客,特别是我的旅游帖子。他遇见我的时候,会说: 为什么你的旅游都有历险的成分?


有两位八打灵永援之母区团的女团员,她们和我同样的到阳明山住宿两天(女修院),然后同一班机回国。所以,她们早就“命令”我照顾她们。 “我们是跟定你了”。 我? 救主?跟随我?!





经过多次的反复查询、搜寻。。“请麻烦您稍等,让我向上级咨询” 。柜台的何瑜小姐非常有礼貌,耐心,而且人也长得秀美。:D

我马上引用最有效,能信赖的方法:“万福玛丽亚,你充满圣宠,求你助我们解决苦难能拿到机位....万福玛丽亚,你充满圣宠,求你助我们解决苦难能拿到机位...万福玛丽亚,你充满圣宠 ........”



同样的状况,在过移民局柜台的时候重演。但她已经知道答案了,所以就毫无问题的通过直到登机 、到家。



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