Monday, June 15, 2009

Legion spirit 圣母军精神

I received an SMS from a lady legionary in Penang whom I did not know, requesting me help to arrange someone to visit a cancer patient (non-Christian) in Cheras.

I called Wei Wei , a legionary staying in Cheras this evening to "pass" her this "assignment". This is how we use the network of legionaries to carry out visitation to hospitals, compassion service and care to the needy, strangers from outstation, sick and aged.

She happily accepted the assignment.

In our conversation, she told me she is wearing a regulator due to unstable heart beat. She is not able to drive due to her age.

I knew her more than 15 years ago. She joined the Legion of Mary after retiring as a teacher. She must be close to 70 now. She is a member of a praesidium attached to St. Francis of Asisi Parish, Cheras.

She is still actively discharging her legion obligations and duties - weekly meetings, visitation to homes and hospitals, sick and aged, even though she herself is aged.

This is the spirit of the Legion. It is life-long calling. Age does not matter.








Anonymous said...

来自蕉赖的 ruth.

Simon Kajang said...

谢谢Ruth, 其实还有许多好像薇薇姐般的军友默默的在工作。。鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已的精神,就是圣母军的精神。他们是没人知的英雄 (unsung hero),但圣母必定看到,默默的寄存在心中,向天父悉诉。