Sunday, September 6, 2009

Au revoir 再见

Malaysian breakfast 道地早餐

Gaelle and Julie had to get up at 7:00 am this morning. It was time for them to get ready for breakfast and to airport for their 11:30 am flight home.

Last night they went to Karaoke lounge and then watched football (France was playing) at Mamak store until 5:00 am.

They had their favourite food for breakfast - Nasi Lemak, Roti bakar( toasted bread with butter and kaya), Mee Hoon soup, fried Kuoy Tiow and truly Malayisan drink - Teh bing (ice tea).

We bid farewell afer breakfast.

Au revoir... we will miss you girls. May God bless you a safe journey home and hope to meet again somedayssssssss!


You think Nasi Lemak is hot?! problem!

Gaelle loved Roti Bakar...and Teh Bing !

葛儿 (Gaelle) 和 茱莉 (Julie) 今早七点就得起床了。她们得准备用了早餐之后,就要到机场乘搭早上十一时半的班级回家了。

昨晚,她们去 卡拉OK唱歌, 然后到玛嘛档喝茶,看足球(法国队出赛),到了将近五点才到家。

今天的早餐,她们叫了最喜欢的食物 - 椰浆饭,烘面包(加椰和奶油),米粉汤,炒粿条,加上标准马来西亚饮料 - 奶茶冰。


Au revoir 再见,孩子们,希望有机会能够再见面。愿天主祝福你们一路顺风到家。



Jeff said...

Surely they enjoyed Malaysian food....

Julie said...

I'm so saaaaad to see again all this good food!!
For my first day in France all seemed so tasteless (I don't know if that word exists). This morning, on my way to work, I walked in front of a chinese shop and became automatically hungry, it's horrible, I'm conditioned!!!
The return was quite hard and I'm always tired (a difference of 6 hours is too much!!!) but seeing these pictures is heartwarming, thank you!!

Simon Kajang said...

hahah Julie, a Malaysian trapped in French body! So nice to have you with us for a few weeks ... we enjoyed you and Gaell's company.We shall continue to meet in the cyber space lahhh!

EP said...

I'll be joining you soon hunger. lol!

Simon Kajang said...

Blogger Jacques said...

Dear Simon,

My english is too bad but I thank you very much for your kindness and your hospitality. My daughter Julie told us about her marvelous holidays thanks to you and your family.

and now in french: Vous serez toujours les bienvenus en France. Encore merci. Très amicalement. Jacques Burlet

Simon Phun reply...

Dear Jacques, thank you for your comments. Hope you can come to Malaysia will be fun if we are able to visit you in France.

Julie is a brave and open girl. We missed her and Gaelle very much.

Cher Jacques, le merci pour vos commentaires. L'espoir vous pouvez venir en Malaisie aussi.. Il sera amusant si nous pouvons vous visiter en France.

Julie est une fille brave et ouverte. Nous l'avons manquée et Gaelle très beaucoup.

(using online translation) :D