Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wedding in Malim Nawar 双溪古月的婚礼

Kampar new township 金宝新镇

Malim Nawar is a small new village town about 25 minutes car journey from Kampar, Perak. Kampar is the home of University Tengku Abdul Rahman (UNiTar).

Philip Chan from Johor Baru has no inkling of where Malim Nawar is.... Thanks to his only son Andrew, he and his wife Theresa are now welcome and have the opportunity to know almost half of the village population.

On November 24 Tuesday, his son wed Mabel Chai Mei Chan, one of the six daughters of Mr. Chai of Malim Nawar New Village.

His good friend Tony, together with wife Susan, son Kelvin and wife Jennifer, and two grandchildren, my wife and I were there to attend the Chinese marriage rites conducted by the bride's family. The Catholic marriage rite would be celebrated on November 28 in Johor Baru by Bishop Emeritus James Chan, brother of Philip.

A wedding dinner at a restaurant was held on the eve of the wedding (Nov 23). We enjoyed the food very much. We also had the opportunity to enjoy the specialty of bride's mother - Lui Cha!
(Click here to see video)

Philip and wife Theresa, bride and groom

Malim Nawar 华文名是双溪古月,好像有点牛头不对马嘴。它是一个新村小镇,离开金宝市大约是二十五分钟车程。霹雳的金宝是拉曼大学(UNiTAR)的所在地。


在24号星期二,他的独子Andrew 到来迎娶本村蔡家陵先生六个女儿中的三媛美珍小姐。


我们也参加了在前一天(23号)举行的婚宴,享用了道地的美味佳肴。除此之外,我们也机会尝到新娘的妈妈特制的客家“擂茶”。 (点击此观看录影)

Wedding entourage with bride's parents(left 2nd and 3rd)

Lui Cha 擂茶


Anonymous said...


ruth yep

乡下人 said...

金宝是个非常青翠的市镇,malim Nawar 也是好去处。附近有很多悠闲的“绿点”,很多瀑布。。。有空要多“回家”!

Simon Kajang said...


My wife and I were there for two days one night only..(Tony and Susan were there much earlier),the weather was cooling, no rain, very comfortable... I missed the place and the people even until now...nice place!