当时全世界都做好准备迎接第三个千的的哦到来,所有的电脑,特别是新的电脑,都装备好软件,能够链接公元2000年。当时的口号是:“Y2K” 符合。
教会当时在教宗若望保禄二世的领导下,喜悦的欢迎这个新的时代的到来,在1994年十一月,也发布了文献『第三个禧年的来临』(Tertio Millennio Adveniente )。
当我们进入了新的千年好后,教宗保禄二世于2001年正月,又发布了一个文献『新千年的开始』(Novo Millennio Ineunte ) NMI。
“1. 值此新千年的開始,及大禧年結束之際,在慶祝了耶穌誕生兩千年,並慶祝教會的旅途踏上了一個新階段的時候,我們心中響起了耶穌的話。有一天,他在西滿的船 上向群眾說話,說完之後就請西滿把船「划向深處」,去「撒網捕魚」(路五4)。西滿伯鐸和他初期的同伴相信耶穌,把網撒下去。「他們照樣辦了,網了許多 魚」(路五6)。”(NMI 1)
经过 30 年的基基团(BEC)及十年进入了新千年后,我们还是在混沌的BEC 水中浮沉,还在寻找到底它(BEC)的意义是什么:是基督基层团体,还是英文中文之间的问题,还是英文还是华文为佳,还是都是华文的错(不支持主流英语。。。)
" Put out into the deep..." (Duc in altum)
Jesus' command in today's Gospel reminds me the year 2000, the Jubilee year and the new Millennium.
The whole world was preparing for the coming of the third millennium, and the Y2K compliance.
The Church was excitingly welcoming the new era heralded by then Holy Father John Paul II with the release of his Apostolic letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente (As the Third Millennium Draws Near, November 10, 1994)
As we entered the new millennium, Pope John Paul II release another Apostolic letter entitled Novo Millennio Ineunte (On the Beginning of the New Millennium, January 6, 2001 ).
"At the beginning of the new millennium, and at the close of the Great Jubilee during which we celebrated the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus and a new stage of the Church's journey begins, our hearts ring out with the words of Jesus when one day, after speaking to the crowds from Simon's boat, he invited the Apostle to "put out into the deep" for a catch: "Duc in altum" (Lk 5:4). Peter and his first companions trusted Christ's words, and cast the nets. "When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish" (Lk 5:6)." NMI No 1.
The word of Christ "put out to the deep" duc in altum did ring in our hearts but not in action.
Looking at our local church today, we are still stuck in shallow water... casting net at our own shadows...
After 30 years of BEC and 10 years into the new millennium, we are still stuck in the messy water of BEC, trying to figure out its meaning: is it Basic Ecclecial Community OR Between English and Chinese OR Better English than Chinese OR Blame English-no-speaking Chinese (not supportive of mainstream English ).....
Check the figure of annual adult baptism during the Rite of Elect, we do not have big catch...
After more than 50 years, the government has come to term that Chinese language, Chinese community, Chinese culture are assets of the country.
Sad to say, not so in the local Catholic church. "They" think otherwise. While allowing the use of Chinese language, "they" think that it is the cause of division, "they" try if possible to suppress the growth under "multi lingual" disguise. "They" put up many obstacles... and blame them for not cooperating ....
"They" are suspicious if the Chinese speaking hold functions or activities in their own language..... or if they are growing.... In fact the Chinese speaking are the most loyal lot.
The Chinese educated already got used to Government's suppression and oppression of Chinese education. But they expected the church, the upholder of justice, their freedom and rights can be respected....
OOoooh, what a similar feeling!
Chinese speaking is the "deep".. where the big catch is .... but fishers of man are not being encouraged to go into this waters ...
There are about 1200 government aided Chinese primary schools, hundreds of secondary schools (no figure available ) and more than 60 private Chinese secondary schools in Malaysia.
What you said is awfully right. I especially like the translation on BEC. It really reflect the situation in our local church. But, I still think that WE can make a change to this if we can put our effort together.
Good and true sharing....thanks for speaking out....
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