Thursday, May 27, 2010

The vocation of Sr. Marie (玛丽亚修女的圣召-英文版)

The [Holy Dash] trip was tight and short. Age was catching up and my physical endurance is getting weaker. 3 hours of checking in time at the airport, 4 1/2 hours of flight and 1 hour of taxi ride to home, exhausted me... has not recover as yet till today...

The [Holy Dash] did not make me holy instantly, but my understanding of "holiness" has been deepened and renewed. One could not be unaffected dashing from one holy place to another.

I was especially touched by Sr. Marie and her fellow sister nuns' serenity and joy radiated from within. As a Christian, a holy life is pleasing to God and the fulfillment of our vocation of holiness.

Sr. Marie has chosen the path through complete surrender and sacrifice to God to attain holiness.

After her Solemn Profession, Sr. Marie shared her story of her vocation. With her permission, I have translated into English as below:

The vocation story of Sr. Marie Aimee of Jesus

It was not my dream, not even my primary ambition to be a nun, but He called me when I was 21 years old. I did not panic, neither did I doubt the genuine of the Call nor asking “why me”. In my heart I responded to his Call, although I did not have much idea of being a Carmelite nun.

After many years, when I completed my studies, He called me again. The message was : “leave your country, your kindred and your father’s house for a country which I shall show you, you are to be a blessing”. From then on, I understood that I have to leave my birth place, go to a new country, never to return! Luckily, He did not say: act immediately now, to realize my plan for you. So in my heart, I responded: ” give me few more years, allow me to be with my family. After that I shall be completely yours”.. He agreed. He blessed my works, and also sending kind souls to assist me in obtaining visa to Taiwan.

When I was about to enter into a new phase of my life, the political situation in Taiwan was very volatile and in turmoil. Friends advised me to delay the trip. “ you are alone and a stranger in a new place. Should anything happen to you…”. I was not perturbed. I recalled my earlier telephone conversation with the Sister, her first sentence was : “ Leave your country, your kindred and your father’s house for a country which I shall show you, you are to be a blessing ”. I was taken aback, the same message! I did not wish to delay further, and decided to leave immediately. For failure or success, at least I have responded His call and realizing my promise to Him.

On May 6, 2004, with USD$300.00 and two pairs of shoes, I left for Taiwan, with no credit card, no second set of clothing to change, more so without a luggage. At the KL International Airport, I handed over my hand phone to my friend. She said:” could it be a scam..?” I looked at my one way ticket, did not answer except smiled and said goodbye. I left for the boarding gates without looking back. I followed the instruction of the Sister, bringing nothing. Few hours later, I was at the Taoyuan Airport, Taipei, meeting a complete stranger, bringing me to the Carmelite Monastery at Shen Keng. At about 7:00 pm, I entered the enclave.

The result.. today, May 23, 2010, allowing me a little boastfulness, I would like to say:“ I am more blessed than Abraham, for in my living days, I entered the Promise Land. May I invite all of you to recite with me the praises: “ My soul glorify the Lord, my soul rejoice in God our Saviour, for he looks on His servant in her nothingness, all generation shall call me blessed.”

May God bless and reward you all for coming to my Solemn Profession and sharing my joy.

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