Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Goal! 进球了!

Ambiga (right), the chairperson of Bersih has been granted an audience with Agong (the King) at the Istana Negara ( National Palace) on July 5. She announced after the meeting that the Coalition (Bersih) will accept Prime Minister Najib's proposal to hold its July 9 rally at a stadium.

After trying hard to brand the Bersih as illegal, "plotting to overthrow the government", " receive foreign funding", including raiding its HQ, arrest of many opposition MPs and assembly men, "weapon cache"..... the unprecedented audience granted speedily by the king to an "illegal" organisation is a tight slap on the government and the Prime Minister, more so on Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein (right), who until today, still called this coalition as illegal!

So far,

Bersih - 1 goal!

Government (Najib)- 1 own goal !

Home Minister and Police - 1 Yellow Card!

最高元首在七月五日,接见了净选盟 (Bersih) 主席安美嘉(上左)。在觐见了元首后,她宣传在七月九日在吉隆坡的街头大集合,将接受首相纳吉的献议,移到体育馆举行。

政府在大集合的消息宣布后,极尽所能的把净选盟打压为一个非法组织,加上“ 要推翻政府的阴谋",“ 接受外国资金”,还搜查了净选盟的总部,逮捕了一些反对党的国会议员及州议员,逮捕穿黄衣的人,“发现大批武器,与净选盟有联系”。。。等等的高压手段来影响民意。



净选盟 - 进入一球

政府(纳吉) - 自己进了一粒乌龙球

内政部长及警察 - 一张黄卡

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