Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All Saints and All Souls

The Catholic Church is celebrating All Saints Day today (November 1) in commemoration of all saints in heaven. It is a day of obligation and all Catholic are required to attend All Saints Day Mass.

We implore God's solemn blessings:

1. God is the glory and joy of all his saints, whose memory we celebrate today, May his blessing be with us always.

2. May the prayers of the saints deliver us from present evil; may their example of holy living turn our thoughts to the service of God and neighbour.

3. God's holy Church rejoices that her children are one the saints in lasting peace. May we come to share with them in all the joys of our Father's house.


And tomorrow, November 2, it is All Souls Day, Catholics are encouraged to offer prayers and Mass for the souls of the faithful departed in Purgatory. Many will go to cemeteries to light candles and recite prayers at the tombs of the departed loved ones.

Lord God, May the death and resurrection of Christ which we celebrate in this (All Souls Day) Eucharist bring the departed faithful to the peace of your eternal home. (Prayer after communion)


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