Thursday, January 12, 2012

The world needs compassion 世界需要怜悯心

People are forced to stoop to buy train tickets in China. It was strongly criticized.

Brought a young man in Puchong to see a priest regarding his intended marriage at the end of the year.

Catholic must register with the priest of intended marriage one year in advance.

He is not fervent but attend Sunday Mass may be once a month. He has a few issues needed to be clarified, one of them is a unpleasant encounter with a priest more than a month ago regarding wedding in the church.

When he mentioned "marriage" to the parish clerk, the reply was:

"First you must have had attended marriage preparation course...."

"... I need to see the priest for advise first..."

The clerk highlighted: " you must make appointment ... the priest will tell you when to come .... Tuesday to Friday, office hours only " . She was holding an appointment book, very business-like and stern face. Don't pray pray ....heh heh heh ( italic wording added by me)

"subject matter: marriage ...or personal ....?"

The young man was quite at a loss ...

If she could have just said: " not to inconvenient yourself, it is advisable to make an appointment with the priest...". ... we would have felt better.

We know priests are busy people, parishioners are busy too ....but since in the vicinity, no harm to try mah...!

All the while, we were shouting at each other. We were not arguing but hard of hearing. We were seperated by a piece of glass and speaking through an tray-like opening, like the old bank teller counter,without voice holes above. The guest has to stoop down to shout at the "opening ".....

In fact I have requested : Let us inside to talk ... but understood its security implication, I did not pursue further and remained stooping ....

My young friend is awaiting for the priest to call ... when? God knows.... and being genuine, he will take a day off from his 27 hour-a-day construction company job (he said so) to attend this 30 minutes meeting .....

Good Catholics are not supposed to complain .....





“ 你应当先参加了婚前辅导课程。。。”


书记特地提醒:“见神父必须先预约 。。。 然后等神父答复 。。。只能够在星期二至星期五 。。。办公时间 。。。” 她手上捧着一本预约部,一板正经的 。。。。Don't pray pray, heh heh heh ..(这是我自己加上的英文形容词)



假如那位书记说:“ 。。。为了避免你的不方便,我建议你先与神父约定。。。” 这听了也比较舒服。



其实我有提出,好歹也让我们进去谈谈 。。。但知道这是保安的一种措施,就作罢了,还是折腰算了。

这位年轻的朋友,正等待着神父的回电,什么时候?只有天知道 。。。但因为是真诚的要在教堂结婚,他得从每天27小时的建筑公司差事里(他说的),拿一天的假期来赴这三十分钟的约会。

。。。。唔 。唔。唔。 天主教徒不应该埋怨!


A Catholic said...

I am wondering whether parish clerks are working voluntarily or salaried staff. Even if it is volunteer work, one does not need to be crude or rude. Everyone knows that priests are busy. As employers they need also to discipline their staff if they are wrong in their attitudes etc. Lacking of this may have resulted in staff not realising their mistakes, attitudes towards the "public" (parishioners) .These characters can be found in many parishes!!!!

Simon Kajang said...

Church employees are enjoying salary and benefits at par with outside market...Many of them lack smile and friendliness .... and understanding of the word SERVICE !

Some of them behaving like little Napoleon (like those in the government department)

And some parish offices really like old styled government departments...cold,unfriendly and uncomfortable!!!