Monday, November 4, 2013

Chengdu's famous tourist streets 成都著名游客街巷

Our Jiuzhagou tour ended on 21/10/2013.

We spent the last day at Chengdu, visiting a few places, including shopping stops.

There are two famous tourist streets at Chengdu -  Jin Li and "Broad & Narrow Ally". Theses are historical pedestrian streets dating back hundreds of years. Today, all has been beautified, modernized and their main attractions are food & souvenir , art and handicraft stalls.

Thousands of local and foreign tourists throng the streets daily.

(More pictures in Facebook) 

(Video in Youtube)

我们九寨沟之旅,在21/10/2013 结束。


成都有两个著名的步行街 - 锦里及宽窄巷。这是具有数百年历史的街巷。现在,这些街巷都已经更新及美化,作为旅游景点。



(录影 Youtube)

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