Sunday, March 23, 2014

Acies 检阅典礼

The Legion of Mary under the wings of Kuala Lumpur Regia (highest council in Peninsular Malaysia), held its Acies this afternoon at St. John's Cathedral.

More than 1000 legionaries from Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Kepong, Klang, Seremban, Mantin, Kajang and Batang Berjuntai attended this annual event which started from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

Acies ( in Latin means an army sets in battle formation) is a consecration of legionaries and as a body assemble to renew their fidelity to Mary, Queen of Legion,and from her to receive strength and blessing for yet another year's battle with the forces of evil.

Members would come to the front in pair, right hand touching the Legion Vexillum, renewing their pledge:"I am all yours, my Queen, my Mother, and all that I have is yours."

Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam, Regia Spiritual Director Fr. Raymond Pereira, Petaling Jaya Chinese-Speaking Curia Spiritual Director Fr. Andrew Wong and Sr. Theresa Chew, who is the spiritual Director of Kepong Curia, attended the function and led the legionaries in the collective consecration.

(More pictures in Facebook) 




检阅典礼(拉丁文Acies)就好像军队的排阵,向圣母军的首领圣母玛利亚,表达对她的忠贞 、奉献及孝爱,也从她那里领受力量及祝福,面对新的一年的挑战和恶势力的斗争。





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