Tuesday, March 11, 2014

German friends (2) 德国朋友

After a 3 days' stay in Kuala Lumpur, Gerd and his gang were heading north for their 2nd leg of the journey - Cameron Highlands, Penang and Pulau Langkawi.

Claudia and her best friend Uli parted with them to go for Pulau Perhentian. Before their trip, they stayed days with us and we were delighted to show them around, including Putrajaya and Kajang Satey.   
Uli left Germany four months ago to embark on a solo tour to Australia, Myamar and Thailand.
She came to Kuala Lumpur meeting up with Claudia for a special "Best friend together" exploration of the region. Pulau Perhentian is their first leg, and would continue to other destination whichever their hearts take them to ...

I admired their passion to travel, spirit of adventure, independence and courage. Perhaps they are the role model of our young people ... Go and see the world!

I am sharing pictures of last few days in Facebook. (Facebook Pictures)  

在吉隆坡住了几天后,Gerd 及他的队友开始他们的第二段路程,北上金马伦高原、槟城及浮罗郎加屿。

Gerd 的女儿Claudia 则与她的好朋友Uli,脱队往东海岸的Pulau Perhentian 前进。在前往海岛之前,我们接待了他们两天,带他们在加影附近逛逛,包括Putrajaya (布城)及品尝加影沙爹。

Uli 在还没有到吉隆坡前,已经个人单独出游,到过了澳洲、泰国、缅甸。她是专程飞来吉隆坡,与好朋友Claudia 会合,两人共游两个星期,然后再继续自己的个人旅行。

我对她们的旅游热忱,独立及寻幽探秘的精神,非常的敬佩。年轻人可以向她们学习 。。走出去吧,看看世界!

这几天的行程照片,登载与大家分享。(Facebook 照片)

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