Thursday, April 10, 2014

Beautiful humanity

I had my right Knee Replacement done more than 3 years ago. (Notice)

With the new part, I had done thousands of kilometers of traveling, enjoying walking as well as a "new life".

History repeating itself - on my left knee. I had severe left knee paint about six months ago. I knew that was the signal of a "failed knee" symptom.

A visit to my Orthopedic confirmed that it is suffering from severe Osteoarthritis - wear and tear of cartilage. Nothing can be done ... no supplements, no medication except pain killer ... a total knee replacement is the option. 

At the moment, the pain is still tolerable. I am determined to walk, to travel ...even if I needed a walking stick or crutch. 

I will review my option a year later. 

A story on a handicapped young man inspired me and give me the motivations to bear the pain and live life with zeal and excitement. 

Please see SCREENING HUMANITY on Astro channel KBS 391 or 392 (HD),  to see this courageous young man who lost a hand and a leg during an accident at the age of 4. 

Alternatively, watch it on Youtube @ this link All About My Love. (Series of 5 episodes) 

This programme is aird daily at 9:20 am, and repeating all 5 episodes on Sat and Sun morning @ 8:00 am. 

It is our favourite programme. 

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