Sunday, January 17, 2010

Down to Melaka 南下马六甲

This weekend's 36 hours whirlwind trip to Melaka was nothing but funeral!

Professor Emeritus Louise Chen (93) died on 12-1-2009 and the funeral would be held on Saturday 16th January. Fr. Lawrence Ng's grandmother (98) passed away on 13-1-2009 and the funeral would be held on Sunday 17th January.

On Saturday, after picking up my "new" god-daughter Rose, we left Kajang for Melaka at about 10:30 am. Reached St. Francis Xavier churchi in Melaka at 12:20 noon for Professor Emeritus Chen's funeral Mass.

I met Professor Chen on many of his birthday celebrations (see Love and fidelity part 2 and Dinner and a carjack ). He was a Chinese culture scholar, Chinese Zheng ( musical instrument) expert.

May his soul rest in peace.

陈蕾士教授在12-1-2010 在马六甲逝世,享年93岁。葬礼将在星期六(16号)举行。黄大华的祖母陈听女士,在13-1-2010逝世,享年98岁。葬礼将在星期天(17号)举行。


我参加过好几年陈蕾士教授的生日庆祝 (看旧帖有情有义生日及劫车)。陈教授是为中国文化学者,古筝专家,曾任教与台湾及香港的大学。

愿他的灵魂早日安息主怀。 (看 Ai FM 向陈蕾士致敬录音


Anonymous said...


Simon Kajang said...
