Monday, January 4, 2010

I am not well 我不舒服

Life is full of surprise and unpredictability, in other word, means plenty of stories.

On the second day of new year 2010 (Saturday), I went to my Kajang office to do some work. The accounting computer decided enough is enough.... refused to boot up. Must be system corruption .... on the way home, sent to the shop for repair.

On that morning, I was already feeling very lethargic, whole body feeling weak and pain. No fever, just plain tired. I lied on the couch most of the time.

I dragged myself to attend the wedding of Richard and later the wedding dinner in the evening.

I slept through the night till the next morning (Sunday), drifting in and out, turning and tossing, it was quite a painful sleep. I did not go for Sunday Mass. I kept lying on bed for the rest of the day until evening. This could be the longest time I spent on bed.

My heart was beating very fast but I am sure my heart is OK. (I have a heart scan one and a half year ago. See my good heart). I felt my chest was heavy... but somehow feeling like a heart burn. Could it be my stomach? But no diarrhea.

I did not know what was wrong with me.

Last night, I took 2 Panadol, one mild sleeping pill, and went to bed at about 10:00 am. It was quite a good sleep.

Feeling weak and a little bit dis-orientated after so much sleep, I told myself to get up and go to work, at least for half a day.

It was a terrible two days. Not feeling well was a terrible thing, but feeling bad is worse. While lying on bed, too lazy to move, hearing the sound of my wife doing the household chores was very unsettling and stressful.

Days before, my wife was taking down curtains, mosquitoes netting to wash and I would help her to fix back. There were more 26 sets (13 x 2 layers) of curtain, 13 sets of mosquitoes netting to be washed and re-installed. I have done only two rooms before floored on bed.

My wife herself is suffering from all types of pains and aches from neck pain to shoulder pain to fingers pain.

Some naive people would say to my wife" now not working, so free...". It is a great insult to her. House works are more tedious than office works.

My heart was not at peace, even with a sense of guilt. Getting out of bed, out of the house may help me feeling a little bit better.

Life is full of surprise and unpredictability.

me today










有些幼稚的人常对我太太说:“你不必工作,在家可闲着呢。” 这对她是一种侮辱。





EP said...

Must take care of yourself Dad. We're all adults now and it's your turn to 'learn to take care' of yourself :P If you're not feeling good, don't procrastinate and quickly see a doctor. Our turn to worry for both of you. So far away, can't do anything. Help us worry less. *reversed role* :)

Anthony said...


Agnes said...


Simon Kajang said...

Thanks for your caring words, my little baby!I am up and about today. Life back to lane!
