Monday, September 13, 2010

Hospital visit 探病

In the afternoon at about 3:00pm, I went to Hospital Universiti Malaya (UH) to visit Francis, our former church Sacristan who is suffering from colon cancer.

He was admitted to UH two weeks ago due to severe pain. He is receiving high dosage of morphine to control his pain. His condition is bad.

I saw him gasping for air, lung congested with phlegm. He has been reduced to half of his usual body size.

He was not able to talk and just stared blankly .....

I felt painful.

God, I offer Francis up to you, please take care of him!

Hospital is a big and cold place

今天下午三点左右,我到马大医院探望教堂的前祭衣室管理员方济格 (Francis). 他是位大肠癌患者





14-9-2010 10:20 am posted 最新跟进:

I was being informed that Francis passed away at about 2:00 am this morning.

我收到通知,Francis 在今天凌晨两点左右,与世长辞。

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