Friday, January 25, 2013

Four-Priest Ordination 四位神父的晋铎

It is a great day for the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.

Today, we witnessed "fourple" priestly Ordination at an Ordination Mass held at about 5:00 pm. at the St. John's Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur.

How can I said "fourple".... my son told me this story.

One of his staff told him this :"... Boss, two times is double, three times is triple, so four times is fourple lah .... " .. my son simply called her The lovable, laughable, adorable Miss Fourple !!!

However, the Fourple here means: four adorable, lovable and courageous young men, giving up their enjoyable, respectable and successful career, responded to the Call of Jesus and followed him to be the fishers of men, be " All things to all Men .." (their ordination motto).

More than 3500 well wishers and parishioners from all over Malaysia and overseas attended the 2 1/2 hours ceremony presided by the Archbishop of KL, His Grace Murphy Pakiam.

Also present were Archbishop Emiratus Soter Fernandez, Coajutor Archbishop-Elect of Singapore Fr.William Goh Seng Chye and more than 80 priests, religious Brothers and Sisters from various dioceses and religious orders.

(See pictures at Facebook)


今天,四位年轻人,回应了耶稣的召叫,愿意跟随耶稣成为 “渔人的渔夫”,『对一切都人,成为一切』是他们圣召的座右铭。

这四位年青人,放弃了已经拥有的成功事业,(其中一位陈永强(Gregory Chan)还是一名拥有自己的事务所的成功律师)对耶稣说: “我愿意成为你的司铎!”


超过 3500 来自各教区的教友,乘搭大型巴士及汽车,怀着喜悦及欢庆的心情,出席了这个盛典。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that either one of these Chinese priest would be posted to Holy Family Church Kajang to represent the Chinese community which has already been faded away by the past Indian priest.